
Painting trellises is the boringest job imaginable. Boringest? Okay, most boring, but I prefer boringest.

Now the sun room’s down and we have our deck back; all there is to do is paint everything. It’s been quite the Job so far. Not only did we decide to paint the decks but also the surrounding trellises. That’s where Rosalie comes in. She has way more patience than I do and has done a great job of painting all those fiddly bits that I hate. I have had to do some though, under Rosalie’s supervision of course. Apparently, I didn’t do too bad.

Before painting the deck I have to sand it. OMG, what a large project. I didn’t have a palm sander anymore so I went and bought one from Home Depot. The sander was $109 and the battery was also $109. I was lucky that I have a Ridgid drill because the batteries are interchangeable. 

The whole thing has been a lot of work but with Rosalie’s help the project has gone pretty well, with the exception of me spilling a little blood here and there. It will be worth it in the end as the deck is already starting to look better. I would have gotten more done but our social life keeps getting in the way, usualy for the best, as that way I get a break and we also get to socialize with our friends that we love to do.

Rosalie, when she’s not painting trellis’, continues with her other passion, cooking & baking. The food’s great but she keeps wanting to buy more appliances to cook with. Anyway, so far, she hasn’t given me food poisoning so it’s worth it.

Rosalie with her latest creation, a round lasagna

I too need something to do other than keep working, so we discovered hydroponic gardening. No, not for marijuana…well maybe sometime in the future, who knows. At the hydroponic store we dropped a few bucks to get some start-up equipment. We’re going to try two different methods so it could get interesting.

A few seeds have been started to get us on our way and expect to put those in the hydroponic devices in the next week or two. It would be a help if there was more sun. The seeds are growing indoors mostly but I bring them out for some sun in the short time that it does come out.

The excitement started after watching a guy on YouTube grow cucumbers a foot long and weighing half a kilo, in twenty-eight days.

4 thoughts on “Painting”

  1. Wow you two !! you do know how to have fun – painting not so much but look at that lasagna – hugs ♥

  2. Yes the lasagna look interesting! do you eat it with a spoon (round) or fork (rectangle)?….kidding😃

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