
Rosalie was checking our online bank account and found the format wasn’t quite the same; she couldn’t find her usual stuff. Not the money though, as little as it is, she managed to find that. Does that seem like a familiar scenario though? Every time we get used to an online program it seems to change, and not necessarily for the better. I think that there is a whole bunch of geeks out there, working to improve things and don’t know when they’ve achieved their goal.

Or, perhaps they do! Of course, they have to try and justify their jobs and they walk a fine line between incompetence and brilliance. If they come up with a great idea to save the general public time and money then they are jeopardizing their own existence, because then, they may not be needed anymore. If the program is so bad that a lot of complaints are generated then they could still lose their jobs.

I envision these guys and gals sitting in a darkened room in the basement smoking weed and plotting what to screw the public up with next. The major theme is “Let’s do an upgrade to make things appear to be better. If anyone complains we can put it down to them, not having the technical ability to understand it and they are the stupid ones.”

We’re not stupid but have to phone in any way to find someone to help us sort the whole mess out. After a 50-minute wait, we get some guy with a lovely East Indian accent that no one but we Brits can understand. He, of course, is a buddy of the geeks in the basement smoking weed and knows that his job is on the line too.

After proving who we are, by giving this complete stranger all our personal information we finally get to explain our problem. Then we are put on hold for several minutes while they check things out. Several minutes stretch into fifteen and they arrive back with no further information. “Sorry, I’m not able to help you with this I will have to transfer you to our Complaints Department.” Click!

Another fifty minutes go by and another guy, this time with an Eastern European accent (I think to intimidate us) asks again for all our personal information. (I can hear him taking notes so that in a few weeks my MasterCard will again be compromised.) This may be a coincidence, but who knows.

After two and a half hours we find out that our payment of $12 for our Netflix account was good after all.

Me at the end of the call

Oh! my new Master Card will be here in 5 to 10 days. Unfortunately, I have to phone in to authenticate it.

3 thoughts on “Geeks”

  1. You are sooooooooooooo funny but at the same time it’s so true about all the “help” we get when we have issues …Hugs

    1. OMG…I feel your pain! I just signed on to my BMO online banking and what a mess! I did manage to figure it out but it took a few minutes and I hate that the transactions are listed in reverse order. Then I attempted to pay bills and got the “sorry, please try again later”. FFS! Then I went to CRA’s website to make a payment for my stepson and got another “sorry, please try again later, we are doing scheduled maintenance”. I was already having a bit of a bad workday with problems with the RBC Express Pro Scan program (for scanning cheques so they don’t have to hire people do it), which took over an hour to resolve this morning. Being very computer literate, this has been (to quote Pink) a shit day.

      1. I feel your pain, come and relax at the Melaque party. Looking forward to seeing you there.

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