The Party

The Melaque party started out small and has grown quite a bit. It was initially only for our friends who had been to Melaque. Maybe eight or ten people. Then, over the last few years, we met more friends who had been there and the party grew a little. I started feeling bad about all our friends and family who were missing such fun and eventually if you even knew where Mexico was, you qualified to come. Then, of course, you can’t leave the neighbours out. This year there were invites for over fifty people and about 29 people were here.

I was up early on Saturday morning to start getting things ready. I had already borrowed all the neighbour’s tables and chairs so all I had to do was arrange them so we all had somewhere to sit. Then Rosalie put the table clothes on while I set up the Taqueria.

The party was supposed to start at 3 pm but we had asked Peter and Suzie to come earlier for a visit. They arrived on time and then Gordie and Karen showed up, and people kept coming early. We started as a small group chatting and way before 3 pm we were a large party chatting. And so it began.

Everyone was here on time so Peter and I opened the Taqueria at about 5 pm and we started serving at about 5:45. Peter was the server and I did the cooking. I lagged a bit with the tortillas and should have had a bunch ready beforehand. But I didn’t, and we survived. We put a tip jar up and primed it with all sorts of peso notes, including a 500; all we got was a bottle cap, a wrapped candy and a toonie. I also think one of the 500 peso notes is missing.

The beef almost ran out but a lot of chicken was left. Our roasted onions weren’t as big a hit as last year but the tacos were well received. When the last one was finally served I thankfully sat and enjoyed a taco myself.

It was my birthday a month ago and I got a couple of belated birthday presents. Both were very practical. The first was a coffee mug from Gordie and Karen with a lovely inscription. The second was a sippy cup from john and Lesley for my wine so I don’t keep spilling it on my laptop. Also lovingly inscribed, this time with my initials.

I found that I had more time to mingle this year and actually found a few people who would speak to me. And then, even after praying all week that it wouldn’t, it started to rain! Luckily it only lasted a few seconds and then stopped.

We didn’t set the Jenga game up ahead of time this year. I think it was because we didn’t have as much room as usual. I did offer to set it up later but the enthusiasm was gone so I didn’t do it. Perhaps next time.

It was an early end and not many people stayed after about 8:30. Some had to drive home and preferred to do it in the daylight. We didn’t have so many die-hards as usual and I think I saved a bit of tequila because of it. Linda and Art were the last to leave and we sat chatting with them for a while. The cleanup waited until next morning, although we did bring in all the booze.

I was up and at it at about 8:30 am the next day and had the whole place cleaned up by 10:00, tables and chairs returned to their rightful owners, glasses and cups rounded up and taken in, taqueria dismantled and put away for another year, banners taken down and the yard raked. I didn’t find any stray people sleeping under the bushes, but I think we’re getting a bit too old for that. Rosalie had to do the dishes so she had a bit more of the work than I. We had several visitors during the day so that gave us the incentive to do nothing for a while.

All in all a great party and we look forward to doing it again next year. Or, perhaps we can have a Qualicum party in Melaque!

4 thoughts on “The Party”

  1. Thanks for the invite, it was good to see you guys again.
    Yvonne & I had good time and really enjoyed all the wonderful food.

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