Too soon

Well, that went by pretty darn fast. It only seemed like last week that we said “Well here we are for six more months.” Well, those six months have passed in a flash.

When I look back I realize that we did an awful lot this year. After settling in, the decision was made to remove the walls of the old sunroom. Ultimately, a great idea. This resulted in us having to do a lot of painting. Rosalie handled most of this and did an awesome job. I don’t have the patience for the fiddly bits. I hope she’s up for it next year as we still have a bit to do.

Then she read a friend’s post about hydroponics. I was all over that and enjoyed a short summer watching my plants grow and a few that I tortured to death. Next year will be better. Although the tomatoes, jalapeños and cucumbers are still doing really well.

There was our trip to Prince Rupert and all the places in between back to the Horseshoe Bay ferry. There was a new great grand-daughter to visit and tickle. She’s the cutest baby, as all babies are, but she’s ours and therefore, so much cuter than the rest.

After the trip, there was drama with the new roof which in the end turned out just great. And now there’s the new heat pump to look forward to, another project for me to get my teeth into.

It’s starting to get a bit chilly: one morning it was only 6 C. Time to pull out the electric blanket and put a heater in the bedroom. There’s really no need to do this as the furnace is very efficient. It does wake me up in the night so we don’t turn it on then. Also, we save a bit of propane that way. The days have been really nice and the campfire ban has been lifted, so after dinner, we light it up and if any of the neighbours are here we invite them over for a glass of wine.

There was a lot of socializing too. It seems to be a thing here, that you go for an innocent stroll and come back half sozzled. It’s great to have friends in the resort. It’s even better knowing that we will see many of them in Melaque.

We were trying to stock up on our supplements. Did anyone notice that the older we get and the more dependent we get on supplements the smaller the instructions get on the bottles? I just take a photo on my phone, and then enlarge it, so that I can see how badly I’ve been overdosing myself.

All in all a great season here. Now we have to get ready to fly to our other home in Melaque. We will see the friends that come to Mexico pretty soon but will miss the ones here until next April, which will come around far too quickly.

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