No agua!

One morning I got into the shower, and after a while, I realized something was a little off as I wasn’t getting wet. Our water had run out. I checked everything I could but to no avail. I checked the ‘tinaco’, a huge tank on the roof, and it was empty. We called Castulo and he said he would be there in five minutes but showed up half an hour later.

Our water comes from a well and I haven’t quite figured out how it works yet. The water seems to be there for the house alright but I have to throw a switch to get water for the garden hoses. I don’t think I should get involved too much so I’ll leave that one alone. There was nothing Castulo could do, and as it was a Sunday, he couldn’t get the repair guy to come out. He told us that he would be here early the next morning, and would get someone to fill our tinaco that day, to hold us until the following day.

Our tinaco on the roof.

By the next morning neither the guy who was supposed to fill the tank, the repair guy, nor Castulo had shown up. We waited a while and then Rosalie called Castulo again and finally he and the repair guy arrived to do the job. This involved lots of back and forth in Spanish, borrowing some tools from me, and Castulo hopping on his motorbike and running uptown for supplies every few minutes. I also heard a bit of hammering and banging but didn’t dare look to see what was happening.

It’s a bit of a challenge living without water. It makes showering, laundry and flushing a little difficult. We have plenty of drinking water in 20-litre jugs so we got on fine. I used the jugs to fill the toilet tank and must have stirred up a lot of sand because when I flushed the bowl was full of the stuff.

That same morning we were expecting Eddie at eleven AM to hook up our IPTV. He didn’t show up either! It’s lucky that we have nothing better to do than sit around waiting for people. It was an Amazon delivery day so we had to stay in anyway. Not that we really expected them to show up on time, or at all, for that matter.

Finally, Castulo bought back the old noisy pump as the other one was being repaired. It gives us water and I only need to turn it on to water the garden. It’s been a week now so we are getting used to the new/old system.

StarLink update.

Our system stopped working five days ago so I sent a request for support to StarLink. They took their time answering and eventually answered that the WiFi was out in our area. I thought this was a bit strange but who knows?

Our problem is that we have a 30-day trial period and that is up in a few days. If we send the system back we have to pay for shipping. I have cancelled the contract so don’t have to pay for the service we aren’t using. However, when do we hook it up again? I hope they let us know when it’s ready again.

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