A sad day

Our little lime tree was planted with great care. However, it doesn’t appear to like us and is slowly dying off. I wonder what I said this time? I even covered it with Christmas lights but to no avail. When it finally expires, we will still use it for a while as it makes a great inexpensive Christmas tree. After that, it will go where all our plants go when they die, into the empty lot across the street. With my knack for killing plants, that lot will be full soon after we get back next year.

It doesn’t look too promising

Memorial services will be held every afternoon at two o’clock at Papa Gallo’s on the beach until the end of the season.

I already have an orange tree to take its place so I won’t mourn too long. While getting the orange tree we also picked up three papaya trees for me to try and kill off. Why three you ask? Well, only the female produces fruit (obviously) but we have no idea which is male or female. I tried turning them upside down to look but Rosalie said I was being weird so I decided to take my chances.

Besides males and females, some are also bisexual so they can play with themselves for pollination. If you don’t treat them just right they get stressed and the females become males and don’t produce fruit. No comment there about females being awkward as Rosalie would beat me.

We have been enjoying strolling up to the town centre as it gets dark. We like to find the Churro cart and wait while they make fresh ones for us. The stroll ends at Papa Gallo’s for a glass of wine before heading home. When we get home, we sit on the roof patio and watch Netflix until one of us falls asleep. This usually takes about fifteen minutes.

Mmmm! delicious!

I can’t believe that we’ve been down here for two months already. Time sure flies when you’re having fun. We haven’t really been anywhere so far, we prefer to stay local and enjoy ourselves that way. I’m sure we will take a few day trips before the season is done. Rosalie wants to go to Puenta Perula which is about an hour’s drive from here. We’ve heard that it’s quite beautiful so we just may find a place to stay overnight.

There was a week of high humidity a week or so ago but things have cooled off a bit lately. There hasn’t been a 30-degree day for several days now. At night the temperature has been going down as low as fifteen so I have to wear long pants and my hoodie in the morning.

4 thoughts on “A sad day”

  1. Looks like it went into shock. You could try leaving it for awhile and water regularly.


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