Krazy Chris-tmas

Just before Christmas there are all kinds of celebrations and parades mostly between 1st and 12th of December to celebrate ‘The Lady of Guadalupe’. A very religious event. The video is part of one of those very colourful parades.

On Christmas eve I went into the laundry room to get something off the shelf and was startled by a huge spider. I don’t think I was worried too much about its size, but that darn thing could move.

Preparing for a battle with a spider

I grabbed a broom and prepared to do battle. Not only was it fast, it went straight up the wall and hung on the ceiling mocking me. I attacked with the broom and it dropped to the floor right at my feet. I must have screamed because it jumped and ran and hid behind my toolbox.

Me, when it dropped from the ceiling.

I decided that I had to bring in the heavy artillery and grabbed a can of Mexican-style Raid. Even then I’m not sure if I got it or not as it sped away behind the washing machine and I didn’t see it again. Needless to say, I don’t go into the laundry room anymore Because if it lives it’s going to be really pissed off. I’ll go back in after Rosalie brings me its body.

That evening, we went down the road to join the rest of our friends for pre-Christmas appies. After the trauma of the spider, I needed some relaxation; I think I was suffering from PTSD. There were fifteen of us and the food, drink and company were great.

Me, the next morning

Arriving home, and after I made sure the laundry room door was locked and barred, we watched ‘Hocus Pocus’ for some light entertainment before going to bed. Meanwhile, the local Mexicans were having a great time. The music played all night and was still going on in the morning. While we were having our morning tea, some guy next door started yelling and singing and was obviously drunk. I wouldn’t want his head later in the day.

Christmas day was a lounge around, and do as little as possible day. You know, like any other day. Although Rosalie had to prepare a dessert for dinner that evening. At about 5 o’clock, we again went down the road to join our friends for a fantastic turkey dinner, and of course a few drinks.

Back at the casa, we went up to the roof patio and watched ‘A Christmas Story’: one of my favourite Christmas movies.

The following day, we were back to normal with wine on the beach at Papa Gallo’s.