
The last month has been nothing but socializing. Either friends visited us, or we visited them. And of course, there is always happy hour on the beach.

Over the Christmas holidays we seemed to be on the go constantly. For New Years Eve we ended up at Bill and Connie’s condo on the beach where tons of fireworks and noisemakers abounded. We got home at about 1:30 am and sat drinking tequila and talking until 3 am before going to bed.

One day, Sue and Rod met us a Tito’s for a few drinks and we were in for some really good entertainment. A lady was doing traditional Mexican dancing with her nephew. She even did the ‘Old Persons’ dance by herself. She came to our table and tried to get me to help her out: not a chance!

She was quite cute

Another time, an afternoon visit to Papa Gallo’s was scheduled, just as we got there we ran into Mike and Faye as they were leaving. They happily came back inside again for a few more drinks. About fifteen minutes of settling in, Bill and Connie showed up looking for us as they know this is our favourite hang out.

After a few margaritas, Rosalie suggested that we go back to our place and order pizzas. And of course, a few more drinks. The order was for three medium pizzas and they took about forty five minutes to get here. When we opened the boxes I thought we had ordered large and wondered how we were going to eat all this food. Well, we made a great job of it and there were only two slices left by the time we’d finished.

That night, Rosalie put the boxes on the patio ready to take out to the garbage. When she picked them up next day she got a lot of little red ant bites on her hands. I took them from her and also got bitten and it itched bad for about an hour.

A few days later, here was a USA international Skim Board Competition at the east end of the beach and Neil and Diane asked us to meet them there for breakfast, to see the action. Since the restaurant at Laguna de Tule was not open, we walked up to Resta-Rita’s. Ordered breakfast but they were so busy it was an hour before we got served and then it was almost lunch time.

Back at the beach we watched the competition and it was fun. We have never seen waves so high in Melaque and several other people said the same thing. The competition lasts all weekend and there were a lot of American competitors, both men and women, some Canadians and a lot of Mexicans. There were a lot of spectacular wipe-outs and very few managed to regain the shore with their boards.

So, now I have to go and buy a skim board and a speedo to keep Rosalie happy.

And then there was Faye who saw us driving near where they stay. So, she stepped out into the road, stuck her thumbs in her ears, waggled her fingers, stuck her tongue out and then realized it wasn’t us but a poor unsuspecting, Mexican couple. And so it goes in Melaque.

4 thoughts on “Socializing”

  1. Looks like you guys just have a great time down there. Good for you would love to join you sometime maybe some day.

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