The Party

The new palapa was a great excuse (as if we need one) for a party. So, we contacted our friends in the complex down the street which is owned by our landlady, and it was on.

There were twenty of us in all, which included Blanca, her sister with her husband as well as Blanca’s son and his daughter. It was a pot-luck so we had plenty of great food.

Before the eating got underway, we had to sit in the shade for a while and wait for the sun to go down While we waited, we were visited by an iguana. He tried to climb the wall but soon fell on his butt and scuttled behind the tenaco where he waited out the party. The following day he hid in an area between two walls with about a one-and-a-half-inch gap.

I connected the bluetooth speaker and sought out some music. I started with some great old blues tunes. As the evening went on, I had to find more music and as I had no current subscriptions to any music stores, it was a bit of a challenge. Gerry suggested Youtube and from then on I got lucky and not only found a lot of good Mexican music but a lot of old favourite norteño dancing tunes too.

Then the eating started, which I’m sure the Mexicans found way too early for them as they usually eat late and their parties start at about 10 pm. Some fools insisted on dancing so I had to turn the volume up and the tunes just kept on coming.

It was great! Our Mexican family had a good time listening to us trying to speak Spanish. Blanca’s son Junior was born in the States so he speaks both languages fluently as does his daughter Emily who’s fourteen. Then we had to explain why Canadians end most sentences with”eh”.

Blanc’s family left fairly early, probably thinking they just had lunch and were now going home for dinner later on. The rest of us stayed and enjoyed some more music and the die-hards sat around telling lies to each other.

Overall, it was a great party. The following night we had four more friends over and then on Sunday Rosalie’s sister Giselle and her husband Gordie arrived. We have a lot more family and friends coming this week and next so we have a lot of trips to make to the airport. I suppose there might be a bit of drinking done also.

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