Busy days

It’s been a little crazy for the last week or so. What with the palapa and the party afterwards we have been busy. And now, the relatives and some more friends are arriving.

I knew it would be a rough week but I was ready for it.

Gordie and Giselle came on Sunday and their flight was an hour and a half late. Their plane was delayed in Calgary as it needed to be de-iced. Brent was enlisted to drive us back from the airport as I can’t drive at night. Barb and Dave showed up a day earlier than we thought and we had a nice evening with them and Gordie and Giselle.

Next came the cousins, Jeannine and Louise. Their flight was on time and they came out fairly quickly, in fact; the quickest pick-ups at the airport this year. When we got to their hotel, they couldn’t get into their room since the manager wasn’t there. So we all went to Resta-Rita’s for dinner.

Next came Vic, Suzanne, Dedee and Marina. I couldn’t pick them up as I don’t have enough room for all the luggage.

Next week we pick up Uncle Lorne and Aunt Elonda.

At pick-up time, a bar service is provided. Options are: red wine, white wine, beer plus any additional drinks left lying around, and all kept in a cooler. It seems to be appreciated after a long flight. So far no complaints; except for me, I can’t drink on the way home…mostly.

In the midst of all this, I’m finding that the Star Link dish is being obstructed so I have to find another location. I plan to put it on the palapa so it gets an unobstructed view of the sky and all those satellites.

Me at the end of the week. It’s been hot as well as hectic.

With all this going on and multiple visits to the airport, Rosalie has contracted the sniffles. Probably bought in by one of the tourists. She has a sore throat, sniffles and a bit of a temperature but otherwise feels great.

One thought on “Busy days”

  1. Oh boy .., I wouldn’t have the energy you two seem to have entertaining all the folks but I know you love it all and you will most likely be bored when everyone goes home, hoping Rosalie is feeling better by the time you get this email / hugs ❤️

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