Sick days

She’s at it again! Rosalie picked up a cold from somewhere and now has a great excuse to have me wait on her hand and foot. I think it was all those trips to the airport and mingling with all the incoming tourists who make a habit of bringing all sorts of germs from up North.

It started a few days ago but she didn’t think it was too bad and she felt pretty good. Even so, we did a Covid test to make sure it wasn’t the plague. It was a negative result so that was good. I’m happy it didn’t show she was pregnant.

The next day it was obvious it was a bit worse. As we had told Barb and Dave that we would go with them for lunch, I had to show up alone. It was great, freedom for a few hours. In the meantime, Rosalie was making a ‘ponce’ , whatever that means. It consists of hot water, honey, lemon, and in this case, tequila. By the time I got home, she was getting quite sozzled but feeling better.

She wasn’t feeling her best.

I ran up to the Farmacia and got some Mexican cure for 80 pesos, about $5. I’m praying for a miracle.

That evening we spent time on the roof patio as usual and she started to feel a bit worse so, off for another ‘ponce’; I thought I would have to roll her into bed.

There’s a cough that goes with the cold, (apparently it comes free.) And when she uses it, it sounds like a seal barking and scares the heck out of me. The same when she sneezes; it’s so loud, even the birds take flight. Secretly I’m quite proud of her lung capacity.

I hope she gets better soon. I don’t think it’s fair that I have to make my own food and do the dishes… but wait Rosalie does that all the time so I can’t really complain, although I know I will.

I know she’ll be better soon.

6 thoughts on “Sick days”

  1. Get well soon! Remember the wicked cough I had when you moved us to the ranch? This too shall pass!♥️♥️

  2. Hoping Rosalee will be and is better soon .We are full of aches and pains here mainly cause we are back home from Hawaii LOL See you in the spring as we will be your neighbor again

  3. Take your time getting better Rosalie. Chris may get used to making his own food and washing the dishes and begin to enjoy it.😇🤗

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