What a week

We had been meaning to take A Day at the Ranch tour with Flip Flop Nomads for the last couple of years but because of covid we just couldn’t. This year, however, was different. Ten of Rosalie’s family were down here so we made a private day trip for all twelve of us.

The trip started at 8:am where we rode in a very comfortable twelve-seater van for forty-five minutes to La Huerta. Dan, our guide, wanted to buy us churros for a pre-breakfast treat but the guy wasn’t where he usually is, so we had to go without.

The next visit was to a handmade furniture store. The owner was very passionate about what he did and gave us a lot of information about his craft.

Then the bus took us to the ranch, owned by Dan’s Mexican in-laws. There was a traditional Mexican breakfast and then off to watch the cow milking; made even more interesting since one of the cows was being a bit uppity. The milk was later made into cheese as we watched.

Before taking a walk around the village, we had to help make our lunch for when we came back. They were making tamales and some of our group rolled up their sleeves to help out. After our walk we went back to the ranch for lunch.

After lunch, we mostly sat around talking and asking Dan questions. He is a font of knowledge about Mexico, its history and culture. He is originally from England, married to a Mexican woman; and has a couple of kids. He has been in Mexico for around 20 years and has his Mexican citizenship.

Every day we seemed to have someone to visit or meet at happy hour. On Thursday, Gordon and Giselle had to go home so we took them to the airport. As Gordon got out of the car he talked to another passenger and found out that their flight had been cancelled. They had received no emails from West Jet but later found out their flight would now be leaving the next morning at 11 am.

From what I could make out, the plane had arrived and because of weather conditions in Calgary, couldn’t fly back that day.

We all came back to our casa as they had to sort out new connecting flights to Terrace and change a hotel in Calgary. Fortunately, they still had a few days left on their hotel stay here, so there was no need to go looking for another hotel at this end. It did cost them an extra $1,000 though as they couldn’t cancel nor change their original connecting flight.

The next morning meant another drive to the airport and this time they got away okay. In the afternoon we took Barb and Dave to Coco beach for lunch and after that met Hauna for happy hour.

Today we’re taking the day off and all I plan to do is write this blog…and maybe, (if I can persuade Rosalie), go to Papa Gallos for a glass of wine.