Birds and crap

I usually get up before Rosalie in the morning and go up onto the roof patio with a pot of tea. Once a month I get to see the full moon set just as the sun comes up. Beautiful! If I see a cloud I run around like Chicken Little yelling ” It’s gonna rain! It’s gonna rain!” But it never does.

Once Rosalie rises, we sit in our loungers catching up on the news and listening to the birds sing. There is a huge variety here, the names of which I mostly haven’t a clue. The common sparrows like to run around the patio picking up crumbs that we messy humans dropped the night before. I don’t mind as it saves us from having to sweep.

There is a red-headed woodpecker I often see in the mornings. I think it’s a bit thick though as it likes to peck at the re-bar on the top of the wall. Perhaps it’s sharpening its beak. Constantly throughout the day, we can hear the coo of doves and that always makes Rosalie happy.

Also throughout the day, (and night) we hear the stupid roosters crowing and see the chickens walking the streets. I almost ran over a herd of chicks the other day. I have to mention the stupid chickens as they are birds after all. Although I think they’re just here to annoy us.

Resta Rita on the lagoon is one of our favourite places to eat and we go there often. While waiting for the meal you can hear a grunting sound and wonder where the pigs are. However, it’s just the birds in the trees. I wondered what they were, so googled them and found out they are the Greater Crested Cormorant. If you listen carefully you can hear them grunt.

They often poop into the lagoon and I have seen people get really excited because they see the splash and think it’s a cocodrilo.

There are a lot of birds on the lagoon. besides the Cormorants, we often see Egets, Doves and Grackles. I’m surprised that we don’t see one or two disappear as food for the crocs.

I find it strange that there are no seagulls here. We are right on the ocean but see no Gulls. We do see a lot of pelicans though.

We also often see hummingbirds as they like to get the nectar from our hibiscus plants.

One thing I don’t like: sometimes I leave the car outside the gate so the birds use it for bombing practice.

Of course, my favourite bird is Rosalie.

3 thoughts on “Birds and crap”

  1. The woodpecker is a horny bird this time of the year and that’s why they peck at anything to make noise to attract the ladies…..lesson of the day ♥♥

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