
It’s getting close to the time when we have to pack up and leave. But first a bit of last-minute entertainment.

There is a great local band here called The Bandidos. They play in most of the restaurants and bars in town. They play all the old classic rock tunes and are very popular.

We drove with Neil and Diane out to La Palma Negra on Coco Beach for lunch and to see them play. We had seen them before but you can never get too much of a good thing. In fact, we will see them again in a day or two as we want to buy some of their T-shirts.

Unfortunately, running a blog is getting expensive so to cut costs I’m using YouTube. The good thing is that you can now play videos full screen and it’s a lot less work for me; also it’s free. The downside is that at the end you will see some ads. If you want to watch the video again just hit the replay button on the bottom left corner.

La Palma Negra is a beautiful venue, and even though it’s a twenty-minute drive it’s well worth it. It’s right next to the ocean and is quite rustic and traditional. Maria and Bernie have done an amazing job over the few years we have been going there. The food is good and served to us by their eldest son Pablo; a really nice boy who speaks perfect English

They are going to do a British Columbia tour in the summer. Mostly the mainland but some gigs on Vancouver Island. Including a stopover at Neil and Diane’s place as they entertain bands regularly at their home. They’re also playing at the VIEX where we will probably see them.

El Jardin

The garden is coming along nicely although a bit slow. I decided to jolly it up a bit with some ‘abono’, cow manure from Cowpachino’s. We also bought another lemon tree to replace the one we killed. As well as a Guyabono tree also known as a Soursop in English. Apparently, there are a lot of health benefits from its fruit. Each plant cost 50 pesos, about $3.50 Canadian.

The mangos are early this year and from what we can see, we may get to eat some before we leave.

Our biggest problem was getting the place watered while we are away. We were going to ask Martina to do it but it’s too far for her to come twice a week. I suggested to Rosalie that she talk to the lady who cleans next door as she may want a summer job. She agreed so now we have one less problem to care about.

A sad day

Our favourite hangout on the beach in the afternoon was Papa Gallo’s. Alas, they closed it for good suddenly. We understand that the landlord’s son is going to try reopening sometime. So there is some hope for next year. Fortunately, there are plenty of other places we can go, although we will miss our friends who used to work there.

3 thoughts on “Bandidos”

  1. Where is La Palama Negra, tried Google maps but no go. Would like to try it. You just got here and are leaving already?

    1. Arrived October 15, 2022 Jim, so soon time to leave, so we can see The Bandidos in BC is summer! Lol
      Hope you guys are continuing Well.

  2. Almost time for your Northern home …it will be nice to see you again ❤️🤗

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