More problems

After the problem with the hydro, I thought I was home-free. But then I found that the water wasn’t heating up so we couldn’t take a shower. After an exhaustive examination (well, I looked at it) I decided to consult Mrs. Google. It seemed as though it needed a new thermostat so on our way to town we stopped off to get one. Sixty bucks later and I had the fix…or so I thought.

The water only heated to lukewarm, so now what? I finally decided it was something to do with the mixer valve. To get to it, I had to cut a hole in the stair riser. I took it apart but it seemed fine. After it was all back together, the water temperature was fine again. Maybe an airlock; I don’t know.

When we reconnected our cell phones it was discovered that we were paying $20 a month more for each one. However, we were getting 6 more gigs of data that we didn’t need. I believe a phone call is needed. I think I mentioned once before that our bill in Canada was $35 plus tax and we get exactly the same usage in Mexico for $15.

The heat pump has turned out to be a great success. We put it on ‘heat only’ for now and it keeps us nice and toasty. The other morning though, the outside breaker popped and I had to get the maintenance guys to reset it for us. Fifteen minutes later it popped again. At this point, I realized why. We had on: the heat pump, the electric fireplace, the fridge, the hot water tank as well as the electric kettle. I switched the hot water tank over to propane and so far no more problems.

Then the Wi-Fi started to act up. When we first got here the signal was off and I did a lot of muttering about Telus for not turning our hub back on. Eventually, I called them. Now that sounds easy, but after having an argument with a computerised answering service that kept telling me they had no ideas what I was talking about, I was ready to explode. I decided to use online chat but it kept referring me to a website that also didn’t know what I was talking about. I did eventually get through and found that we weren’t supposed to get reconnected for a few more days. Oops! my fault!

When it was back on Wi-Fi, the signal was really bad. I kind of expected this as the new roof blocked the antenna. Eventually, we got no signal at all so I had to do something. I waited for the coldest, the rainiest and most miserable day before going outside to tackle the problem. I froze my toosh off but eventialy got the antenna in a place where we could get a better signal. It’s only a temporary fix and I will make it permanent as soon as the weather gets warmer.

Rosalie said I done good

No more problems please, I’m done!! Wait, Rosalie just informed me that there’s water on the bathroom floor. Oy Vey!

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