
You may have noticed that the blog about the party was a bit late. It wasn’t all about me being lazy, our WiFi has been terrible for the last few weeks.

We have a Telus hub, and it hasn’t been too bad for the last few years. Lately, however, it’s been horrible. I reluctantly called the service department and got the usual run around.

First, after choosing a number to enter, I pushed it and hoped for the best. Who knows if you’re getting the correct department or not? Then I got a message saying that my wait time is three days thirty-two minutes and would I like a callback. Sure why not, I think they expect someone of my age to forget I ever called and the problem will go away.

They did call back twice. However, my phone didn’t ring on either occasion. I found out later that my phone was blocking all unknown callers; another problem for later.

I called them again on a different number only to be informed that I have to try to solve the problem myself online. How can I do that if my WiFi is all screwed up?

Okay, now I’ve had enough. I check online to look for rural internet companies and find that Xplore (formerly Explorenet) is still going strong. We cancelled them before because they only offered 100 GB. Now however they are offering 350 GB. We’re in!

After a short wait, I gave them a call and spoke to someone who spoke English, although with a slight U.S. accent. They were understandable enough though, so I plowed on. Oh! If only all calls were answered as quickly as the sales department.

After signing up I was told I would be contacted within two business days. On the third day, I tried to call the installer. I left a message and hoped they got back to me.

They did call back but my phone didn’t ring again and I missed it. I left another message with Rosalie’s number and waited. Nothing happened so I called Xplore again and was finally told our installation date.

At the time I had so much trouble with the WiFI that I had trouble writing this blog.

Eventually, the installer Steve, contacted me by text and we finally got the installation done earlier than expected.

Next, I had to give Telus the bad news that we were cancelling. I phoned them and after a very brief wait, I ended up talking to three different people. When they found I was cancelling I was offered all kinds of incentives to stay. Why I wasn’t offered these options when I had so much trouble before, I don’t know.

In the meantime, Rosalie had had trouble sleeping and had to spend a night at the sleep lab in Nanaimo. She said it wasn’t too bad but felt like a fish caught in a net.

She did manage to sleep and in the morning worried that they didn’t get enough data. However, the technician told her that she had slept for six and a half hours and they actually got good data. So now she has to wait for the results.

4 thoughts on “WiFi”

  1. We’ll, I was hooked up the same as you Rosalie at the sleep clinic and my results were mild sleep apnea plus vivid dreams (apparently I do a lot of talking, jumping around, yelling etc ., poor Bill …I was given sleep meds which I used once as I didn’t like the way they made feel so on it goes but much better now, so Chris, fix your phone so it rings ..👍🤗❤️

  2. Just wondering what you do when you have to use the washroom with all that gear on? Hope you get you internet problems worked out.

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