Bits and Bobs

After getting my eyes fixed I was really happy, that is until I looked in the mirror. Now I can see all the wrinkles; not so happy now!

We have a mosquito that buzzes by every night at about 7:30. He’s so regular that we have named him ‘Mo’. As soon as he arrives I light a mosquito coil, wave it around a bit and we don’t hear from him until the following night. We’ll miss him when we get back to Mexico.

Mexico: it’s only another 5 weeks before we head back there. This year has just flown by. I have to do something to slow it down a bit. Maybe a new hobby; we have an idea in mind but want to wait until we get home to Mexico before we try it. Explosives are cheaper and easier to get down there anyway.

As we are going to be away from our hydroponics for several days and the fact that they are guzzling a lot of water, I have a problem. How do I keep them fed?

I came up with the following idea:

The bucket on the left is the main reservoir and the one on the right is the reserve. Okay, so, the reserve has a tube feeding the reservoir. As water always seeks its own level it lets water into the reservoir when the reservoir gets low.

The large bottle on top is there in case the reserve gets too low. Water in that is held back by a vacuum until the water below drops and releases air into the bottle, therefore, letting out more water to feed the reserve.

Now, if anyone can understand what I just did, please drop me an email as I’m thoroughly confused. Of course, the nutrient level will drop but you can’t have everything.

We’ve been without company for the last few days. perhaps we’ve become unpopular at last. Although Bob and Marlene from next door dropped in for a visit so I’m keeping my hopes up. I think they just feel sorry for us though.

I installed a Spypoint camera so that we can keep an eye on the place during the winter. So far all I’ve got are pictures of Rosalie and me when we forget to turn it off when it’s not needed. I had to up our package from 100 pictures a month to 250 to accommodate our forgetfulness.

I did get excited the other day though when I caught an invader red-handed. Unfortunately, I was under the knife with my eye and couldn’t do anything about it. It looks as though he/she didn’t like watercress so we got off lightly.

I noticed that the CBC has posted a few negative reports about electric vehicles over the past few weeks. It was okay until I read one about a guy who took his Ford F150 into the States and couldn’t get it charged so he abandoned it and had it towed. Big news!

I’ve noticed that some of the stories are about people who don’t plan ahead and then complain when things don’t go their way. If that truck driver couldn’t find a charge station within his 500 Km driving range then he didn’t plan well.

I wondered, if I had a gas-powered F150, ran out of gas at the side of the road and had to abandon it, would they make a news story out of that? I doubt it very much! I’ve sent them an email which I’m sure they’ll ignore.