

It’s starting to cool off a lot here lately. We still have a fire in the chiminea once in a while but go inside earlier than usual.

The final two weeks are always the worst time. We know the season here is almost over and just want to be on our way. However, we do have a lot of chores to do before we leave. We have two RV’s to winterize, now that we bought the motor home.

Peter and I put the car tent up and loaded it down with concrete blocks to stop it from blowing away. The garden is dug and the garlic planted for next year.

We also have a dozen other things to do but most have to wait until the last day or two. That’s when the panic sets in.

It’s been a good year. The weather could have been better but we can’t control that, so we just carry on. We had some great parties, as usual, especialy my 50th  anniversary of arriving in Canada.

We had a lot more doctors’ appointments than usual but at the end of it all, we are both healthy. Rosalie has to have surgery on her carotid artery in the spring but the surgeon said she will be fine until then, so we can go without any health worries.

14 Oct 19

We’s here!

We arrived in Melaque this afternoon. Fortunately, Mike and Pat happened to be in PV at the same time and picked us up. we would have taken the bus but it’s nice by car. We went to Costco and got the essentials, mostly booze.

It was an uneventful flight. We dropped the rental car off at Comox at about 4 am and then flew to Vancouver. We left there at 8:25 am. Our pilot was a woman and did a great job. I did, however, have a few anxious moments as she was backing out of our space. You know, women backing up.

It was great to get back here. Besides the warm weather, it’s just the feel of the place. We feel like we’re coming home.

Our first evening in PV, after meeting up with Mike and Pat, we went out for dinner by the marina. A travelling troubadour accosted us and directed us to the restaurant where he was playing that evening. He also wanted 120 Pesos for three songs.

(Gerry just left after several beers. He dropped in while I was writing this)

Anyhow! The guy’s name was Victor and I told him 100 pesos but he was pretty adamant. He did a fairly good job so when He finished I told him he was worth 80 pesos. In the end, I gave him 140 cos he was a really nice dude.

When we arrived at our duplex we found that we couldn’t get in the front gate. Our keys didn’t fit for some reason. I was sure there was a spare key inside so I climbed over the gate risking life and limb only to find out there wasn’t one. Oh, and yeah, our key didn’t open the main gate either.

Yes, Stupido here climbed over that.

This being Mexico, Mike got a bar out of his car and broke the chain on the gate. So we finally got in. My job, soon, is to replace the chain and lock.

Oh! it’s great to be back, we just love Mexico, except for the cold I got on the plane…