Fun with Peggy

About a week ago we were a little restless so decided to take a trip over to Barra, we dropped in on John and Ronda for a quick coffee then had to leave as Rosalie had a Dentist appointment that afternoon. She arrived only to find out that the dentist, ‘whom she had made an appointment with‘, was out of town until the next month.

It was decided to go back to Barra for a margarita at Nacho’s bar. This place is becoming a favourite of ours. Rosalie made a quick call to Peggy and Don inviting them to join us. Peggy didn’t sound up for it so we decided to go alone.

After about ten minutes Peggy did show up but by herself. We shared a plate of nachos and did our usual chit-chat. Then it started to rain. And it rained! And rained! Eventually, the gauntlet had to be run, so in a break, the three of us went for it. We got soaked!

On the way back to the car a vendor tried to sell us an umbrella; his timing was right but the location was off as it was only fifty feet from the car.

Our spycam caught a pair of miscreants trying to steal gas from our electric car the other day. Thanks for checking the place Jim and Ylda.

Another picture arrived the other day from the spycam with a guy in it that we didn’t recognize. After contacting security at Spidey we found out that it was Brian, the park manager so all was well.

As well as Jim and Ylda we had an interloper here. I call it Adrian. It was a big green iguana. It walked back and forth in front of our gate for a few minutes but couldn’t get in. I had put up chicken wire last year to keep dogs, cats, chickens, goats and small children out. It wasn’t deterred though as it soon found that it could get claw holds and in no time it was over into our yard. It was assisted by a young girl somewhat, who startled it. I have no idea where he went once he was in as he got lost in the foliage.

Jim and Ylda like to taunt us with their fire pit as they know we can’t have one. Ylda said she was taking off a layer of clothes as it was getting too hot. Rosalie wanted to do the same as it was another hot day here. The only difference was that Rosalie would have either been arrested for indecent exposure or gotten a round of applause.

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