Tour day one

These are a bit late as I was trying to do this without an ‘e’ key on my computer. I got the call that a new keyboard had arrived while on the trip. So it’s now installed

The van came for us a 7 am. Jim and Ylda were already aboard with another lady, Liz, whom we didn’t know yet. Next, we went to Barra and collected Neil and Diane. Then we started for Colima. 

Our driver and tour guide Florencio had come for us from Colima, leaving at 4 am. After two and a half hours of driving, we were back there for brunch. There were eight of us at the table but they only gave us one bill. The entertainment for the rest of the day is trying to find out who short-changed us; nobody did of course. I sorted this out later by suggesting that everyone add theirs up on their phone and pay that, plus the tip, it worked for the rest of the trip.

On the road to Tequila, we noticed agave growing everywhere. There were huge cultivated fields and some were growing at the side of the road. I even saw some people growing it in their back gardens.

Tequila is a Magical town (Pueblo Magico), Rosalie and I enjoyed it so much we decided to go back next November for a few days while the weather’s still hot on the coast.

After we checked in at the hotel we had an hour break before our tequila tour. So we went to the roof to watch the entertainment.

The guy playing the music was one of the four flyers.

The tequila distillery we went to was an older one called “Casa Colfradia”. It had unique cabins for guests and we got a look at one. It costs $500 CDN a night but includes meals and tours.

The process was interesting and we learned a lot about tequila. After lopping off all the leaves the plant is roasted and shredded. Then the juice is squeezed out and fermented for four days. After that, it’s distilled and aged.

After the tour, they took us to a beautiful below-ground restaurant where they served us a complimentary margarita, before returning to the hotel. Some of us were a bit disappointed as we weren’t given enough samples to try. After all, that’s what we came for.

Whoever first saw an Agave plant and thought “Let’s dig this up boil and distill it and see what happens” must have had a really nice revelation. So we drink to them, in tequila of course.

That evening we went to a local hotel near the square and had a nice inexpensive meal. Before we ate, we played a game of Mexican bingo. They have a board with sixteen pictures on it. They read the names out very quickly in Spanish and the first one to fill their card won a free margarita. Well, our table won. Neil filled his card first with a little help from Florencio.

While we were waiting to be served, I saw a small jar of something edible on the table so decided to try it out. They were very hard and not too good. It turned out that they were the counters for the bingo. I dread to think how many times they had been handled. Fortunately, I only had one and didn’t get sick.

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