Day three

After checking out of the hotel Florencio took us back to Magdalena for the drive to Mazamitla. Things got a bit confusing as Magdalena was in the opposite direction from where we wanted to go. It all worked out though and we got to our next stop, the ruins at Guachimontones

The site is situated on a hill overlooking a lake. The guide gave us an informative tour and we left knowing a little more about Mexican culture.

Before continuing our journey, Florencio took us to Restauranté Monte Carlo on the edge of the lake. The ambiance was great.

Arriving at Mazamitla in the afternoon it soon became apparent that we needed to get into warmer clothes. The temperature was about 10C and I was still wearing shorts. I ended up wearing Rosalie’s hoodie. Before we left I checked that mine was packed, but it wasn’t mine it was Rosalie’s. That’s two tours where I left my hoodie behind, luckily Rosalie had enough clothes to keep us both warm. Mazamitla is another beautiful little Magical Town of which there are 177 in Mexico.

After checking in, we met up with some of the guys for drinks before finding somewhere to eat. There was a funky little hamburger restaurant run by two young guys right at the end of our block so we stopped there. The food was great and so was the service.

After going back to the hotel for a nightcap, we all turned in.

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