Winding down

It’s come to that time of year again, with people starting to go back home.

There are far fewer tourists here now; our friends and family are going also. This last weekend four more groups went home. There are only four weeks left for us that will go by in no time. Nearly time to think about starting to put stuff away. I got the 3D printer packed a few days ago as Gerry and Denise are being good enough to take it back to Nanaimo for us. Our arrival time in Comox is midnight on the 18/19th of April.

The temperature has been as low as 12 C in the morning so the chiminea gets used a lot. The daytime temperature still gets up in the high 20s, hot enough to drive us to the beach most days.

When friends and family leave they clear out their fridges and leave their leftovers with us. So far Rosalie has collected 3 jars of mustard, 3 balsamic vinegars, 2 ketchups etc. Also inherited were part bottles of booze as well as a pack of 18 beers, most of which we shared. We have fun in the evening trying to empty some of the part bottles. There still is another bag of cans and bottles that we haven’t sorted out yet.

Some of the booze is left in the laundry room for further processing. There was an iguana in there the other day and I don’t like the idea of it getting drunk and causing havoc. I’ll have to watch that.

When people leave there is usually a going-away dinner. We’ve already been to a few and expect to go to more. We hosted one ourselves on the weekend.

It’s the time of year for the folks of San Patricio to celebrate St. Patrick’s day. Being Mexican, they don’t just celebrate the day, but start ten days ahead.

The mornings start with cojetes which are loud rockets set off by the church starting at 5:30 am. Some mornings they start at 5:15 am just for a change. This of course sets the dogs and roosters off so it’s a great alarm clock to get to early mass.

The main square has a fireworks display each night that gets crazier as the days go by culminating on 17th March. One year I almost got nailed by a falling catherine wheel. We didn’t go again this year; I think once was enough.

3 thoughts on “Winding down”

  1. Enjoy your last few weeks in paradise. Maybe you’ll inherit our jar of mustard also 😋

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