Residente Temporal

As we go to Mexico so often we decided to try for a permanenté visa. This would allow us to stay as long as we want instead of just 180 days as a tourist. We would also get further benefits which are not altogether clear just yet.

We had to go to the Mexican consulate in Vancouver for the first part of the process. We wanted to get full Permanenté but could only qualify for Temporary at this time which means that we have to re-apply each year for a total of four years before it turns into Permanenté. Our applications were accepted and we got an Mexican visa stamp in our passports.

When we arrived in Mexico we had thirty days to complete the process. We looked the forms up on-line and at first it looked somewhat daunting. Of course, everything is in Spanish. We could have gotten some help but found out that it is very expensive.

I wasn’t feeling good with my cold so Rosalie went to the local immigration office to make enquiries. She came back armed and ready to go. It took a bit of time to fill out her form but she succeeded and then she did mine.

One of the problems was finding where I was born. Neither England, UK or Great Britain was on the drop down menu. But Rosalie persisted and I was eventually born in “Reino Unido De Gran Bretania e Irlanda del Norte.” I was quite impressed.

We took the form to the immigration office and crossed our fingers.

The young lady we saw spoke passable English and was very helpful. I was concerned about the second set of forms that we had to fill out as they also looked really daunting. We needn’t have worried as the young lady did it all for us.

After much signing and initialing she gave us yet another form to take to the bank to pay our fees. We couldn’t use our bank for some reason so had to go to the BanaMex.

We walked inside and stood there looking stupid (easy for me, I know.) A Mexican lady helped us out and we took a number and waited. We still haven’t figured out the numbering system. Once again the lady came to our assistance and called us to the counter when our turn came.

The young cashier took our forms but when it came to paying wouldn’t accept our local bank’s debit cards. So, Rosalie sat while I went out to the ATM.

After we paid we had to go get copies of the receipt at a photocopy place, then return to immigration and we were done for the day. Now we had to wait for a couple of weeks before we would hand in a new set of special size photos that we got done at a local store. We also had to get our finger prints taken.

Our notification arrived way earlier than expected so off we went to finalize everything. We handed in our photos and and all the paperwork was stamped. Then they took the same stamp pad and took our fingerprints. We were told to come back in a week for our temporal cards.

It was several hours later and we still had ink on our fingers.

We had been to the bank the day before to update our account and they took our prints electronically. Although I did have a few issues with the scars from my surgery.

When we returned on the appointed day, to pick up our temporal cards, they were not ready so had to wait another four or five days. Ah, that’s Mexico.

By Tuesday of the following week, we went back to the immigration office and our cards were finally ready. Time to celebrate. Off to Papa Gallo’s on the beach and have some nachos and a few “pops”.

Us, the proud parents of our new Residente Temporal cards. Notice Rosalie is doing the two for one thing again. She behaved this time though.

As Faye and Mike said, we now have an immediate compulsion to turn the radio up real loud and rush out and sweep the street in front of the house.