Grrr! part two

Most of the nonsense we hear and read is from people who are either jealous or have decided long before doing any research that EVs are bad and spout only the facts that fit their theory. I find myself doing this sometimes and slap myself. We need to keep an open mind on both sides of this issue. A lot of the negative reports are either from trumpers, conspiracy theorists or nut jobs.

I can see these guys arriving home on the weekend and going out to mow the lawn. The gas-powered lawn mower won’t start so they go to Home Depot and buy a cordless one powered by…you got it, a battery. An EV lawn mower, who’d a thunk it? And remember, all those batteries have to be recycled too.

And of course, they always bring up the sad story of little kids working in factories. This is true, but it’s been going on for generations, but not just for EVs. For some of these kids, it’s the only way to make a living for themselves or their families. If you want to blame someone, blame the greedy entitled billionaires who spend half a billion dollars for a few minutes riding in space. With that kind of money, they could feed a small nation. (Oops, I almost started a new rant.)

I think that EVs are not the final answer but for now, the best answer. There are even better technologies in the works if they can be made to work right. My favourite is hydrogen-powered vehicles which will cost nothing to run if they do it right. Ooh! how about nuclear power, boy would that sucker go?

It’s so frustrating that sometimes I want to jump out the window. It wouldn’t do any good as we’re only five feet up and I would either twist an ankle or break my hip. I won’t do it anyway because it would only make Rosalie mad.

This is one of the best comments found on Facebook. It doesn’t even mention fracking.

Tony Lort

So how much tar sand must be dug from the ground and how much energy do the many pieces of equipment do to get it out and processed use and how much energy does it take to refine that crude into useable fuel and then what are the emissions and energy used for all the various forms of transport to get it to the gas station and what did it take to dig the pits to put the tanks in the ground at that gas station? What are the environmental effects of the waste from the tar sands and how much ecological damage was done to the habitats of the animals and what about the health effects of the fumes all around that entire process not to mention the damage to our atmosphere and our health from all the exhaust? How much ecological damage is done by all the abandoned oil wells and all the infrastructure around them and we haven’t even started to discuss the oil spills and other mishaps. Compare all the damage by both sides of the equation if you want to have a proper discussion of ecological damage. I keep seeing this stupid piece and wonder how anyone could even look at it without asking all the questions.”

He mentions putting tanks in the ground. If that tank leaks it costs even more to have it removed.

This whole subject is mostly about personal choice. I don’t put your gas vehicle down so let me have the freedom to drive my EV without all the nasty comments. I don’t aim this comment at any of our friends who make fun of our car; yes we do carry a very long extension cord just in case. It’s the nasty unresearched comments I can’t stand.

Okay, rant done!…for now.

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