Sushi afternoon

I had a complaint from a reader (Neil) that I was delinquent in delivering enough blogs. Sometimes I have little or nothing to say so how do you write about that? However, we had an entertaining afternoon so here it is. 

My birthday was on Sunday and thank you to all my friends for reminding me how old I’m getting. 

Peter and Suzie spent most of the day with us and we went to Courtenay to find our favourite sushi restaurant, Seh Mi. We found it alright but it was closed! So we prowled for another place and found one called Sushi Jo, just up the road. The food was great and the service was awesome. I would go there again.

Anyway, that’s not what my sushi story is about. 

Neil, Diane and Sue came over for happy hour and the girls wanted to have a sushi party. As well as the sushi there was a bottle of saki and Neil and I noticed that it was rapidly getting emptied. I don’t know where it went as we had very little of it. 

While Neil and I sat quietly talking and having a drink the girls were having a whale of a time making sushi rolls. I don’t know what they were up to but the food was flying rice and other ingredients were everywhere, the instant pot was working and the girls were having a great old time. 

Finally, when the food was made and the saki bottle was almost empty they served it up.

Sue, Neil, Rosalie and me but someone forgot to get a photo of Dianne.

I don’t like raw fish but one of the rolls was raw salmon so I said “What the heck” and tried it. I obviously didn’t have enough to drink as…nope, still don’t like raw fish. Perhaps if I could have gotten my hands on some of that saki it might have helped but I was too afraid to ask the girls for some.

Throughout the afternoon, we stuffed ourselves with sushi and had a few more drinks and a lot of laughs. It’s great to have friends that you are really comfortable with. We were fortunate to spend two afternoons with friends like that. Thank you guys.