Day trip

As we had the rental car a few weeks back, we had to use it to get our moneys worth. Rosalie suggested a trip to Tenacatita and then Punta Perula. Perula is about an hour and a half away so a nice day trip.

We left fairly early (for us) at about ten am. Just outside of town they are doing a major upgrade to the road so we had to struggle through some very bad road conditions while following a huge tanker truck. At one point the dust was so bad that I had to back off by about a hundred metres so that the back seat drivers could see. Parts of the road had been watered down so the car got quite muddy.

They have flag people on the road but it was still confusing. The first one we saw was a scarecrow made of sticks with a hi-vis vest and a flag. At one point on the way back we were on a single lane part of the road with traffic coming toward us. I didn’t see a flag person so I don’t know what happened. I managed to move over until all the vehicles had passed and then just carried on.

Tenacatita is a bit of a way off the main highway but has a beautiful beach. We were there a lot of years ago and it seems a lot better than when we were there last. I vetoed the trip to Perula so we settled in for a day at Tenacatita.

We found a restaurant by the beach and ordered some food and cerveza. Rosalie and I each had a fish dish which was delicious. Valerie had a hamburger and enjoyed that too. We knew the fish was really fresh as we watched the guys cleaning them on a bench in the corner.

After lunch we picked up our cerveza to go sit on the beach. Valerie and Rosalie went for a swim in the surf while I ordered another cerveza. I figured I needed a lot of booze to face the trip back through the road works.

While Rosalie was in the water she got turned upside down by a wave and lost the new very expensive sunglasses (140 pesos. About $9.50) that we had bought the day before.  She tries to play with the big kids but this time went out a little too far.

While there we got a call about Rosalie’s cell phone. They wanted the password to get in so that they could check if it worked. I wasn’t about to give it to them over the phone so said I would call in later.

We somehow returned safely to Melaque and all had a nap for an hour. Then I went to get Rosalie’s phone so that we could change the password before giving it back for the final repair.

When we got it back it worked just great. Now, two weeks later, it’s bust again. The guy thinks that Rosalie has been too hard on the thing. We will see. We want it to hold out until we get back to Canada, as we want to get her a new one from Koodo.


1st December 5 am. Boom…Boom! The festival of Guadalupe has begun.

Every morning now the explosions start at 5 am and then again at 6. We also hear a few during the day, as well as the odd parade comes by. This will continue through until 12th December We are pretty well used to it but we met some Canadians who were here for the first time and didn’t know what it was until we clued them in.

We are lucky because the parade comes past our house so I get to video it. The song they sing is always the same but I don’t know what it is.

Rosalie and I woke at 5 this morning and watched a small parade go by in the near dark. They play the same music as they walk and are always preceded by a statue of ‘Our Lady of Guadalupe.’

This guy walks behind the parade and is responsible for all the kabooms.

It’s still very humid down here but we are used to it. Valerie is finding it somewhat difficult as are a few other newbies I’ve met. We keep the floor fans going all the time so it’s not too bad.

I’m trying not to drink too much alcohol but it’s difficult when you have to take in lots of fluids. We have been drinking ‘Jamaica’ (Hamika). It’s made from hibiscus flowers and Rosalie cooks up a concentrate in her Instant pot. She does it just right, not too much sugar.We just add water and a whole bunch of ice, some lime and away we go. We can also get it in the local restaurants.

For some reason It seems to me that there are fewer Nordeños this year. I guess they heard that I’m here again. The vendors in the market seem a little more aggressive so maybe they’re having a hard time getting business. It usually picks up again in early January so we will see.

Bill and Connie dropped by the other day. They came to pick up Rosalie and went to pay for our Christmas Eve dinner. When they came back they invited us to go shopping in Manzanillo. We had a great day. We spent way too much but that’s how it goes when you try to stock up.

On the way to Manzanillo there are a number of small towns. Crossing the road in these towns are large concrete pedestrian walkways. They are rarely used as it’s a two lane road and the locals just wait for a break in the traffic and walk across. There are also large concrete bus shelters that seem a bit of an over-kill. Well that’s Mexico.

Mike got a new tattoo. I don’t like tattoos generally but I like this one. Notice the marching soldiers in the feather.

Our neighbours on the way to the festival. Mum Adriana, Camila and Ivan (pronounced ‘Eeban’)


Tonolá and Tlaquepaque

If you think Tlaquepaque is difficult to pronounce (sort of: Tlaky-paky) I got carpal tunnel just trying to spell it.

The following morning, up bright and early again. (This was getting ridiculous).  Having grabbed our very nice complimentary breakfast we set off for Tonalá where they have a huge market every Thursday. But as of 1st Dec they are there every day until Christmas.

They parked the bus on a side street and we went off to explore the market. We walked up and down rows and rows of stall selling all sorts of stuff, mostly TTC. (Tacky tourist crap). We vowed to stop buying the stuff but still ended up with a bag full.

Some of the things we bought were a few flash drives with music on them. Rosalie asked for romantic (of course) and I asked for party (of course). We threw in an oldies of the 80’s and 90’s. It was all Mexican so we had no idea what we had. They came on 16 GB flash drives and when I got home I found that we had 5,300 tunes as well as the three flash drives all for 360 pesos ($24.45). A good deal!

As we were waiting to return to the bus we stopped for a quick lunch at one of the stalls. While we waited, an older Mexican gentleman who spoke no English asked if he could sit with us. Of course we agreed. He sat down and I enjoyed the next 15 minutes listening to Rosalie and him have quite the conversation. I managed to pick up quite a bit of it but it made me realize just how far I have to go to catch her up. Rosalie, I’m proud of you.

When we went back to the bus we found it missing. It had had to move as there was some construction going on. It was only up the street so it wasn’t a problem.

Now, the reason we needed a big bus. It seems to be the tradition that when we Nordeños go on these trips we take advantage of the lower prices and buy everything in sight including furniture. The hold under the bus was crammed and we had to wait because one delivery to the bus was delayed because the driver went to the wrong place. Fortunately we don’t own a house down here or we would have been doing the very same thing.

Our next stop was Tlaquepaque another great shopping site. This wasn’t a market area but had some neat stores. We didn’t want to buy anything major, although I did check out a local guitar store, so we wandered and observed.

The main street is a pedestrian only area and there was a lot to see and hear.

Our trip back was uneventful and we arrived back in Melaque at about 10 pm.

This trip was bought to us by Dan Patman and his company ‘Flip Flop Nomad Tours’. Thanks Dan we recommend you to everyone.


There was a bus tour going to Guadalajara, Tonala, and Tlaquepaque over two days so we signed up.

Dan, who organized the tour runs a travel agency, is a Brit. He has lived here for eighteen years and is married to a Mexican lady. He is a Mexican citizen and speaks perfect Spanish.

We had to meet the bus in the main square at 8 am. An ungodly hour but we have to make a few sacrifices if we want to have fun. I was told by Pat to get a coffee as she was bringing some Bailey’s. Me being obedient, complied but remembering my experience in Belgium was very carful pouring it into my cup. It was odd because as I started to pour we went over a bump and I really had to steady myself.

It was a about a five hour drive to Guadalajara and we got there in the early afternoon. We checked into the hotel and settled in. There was a tour of the downtown with a local guide named Ofilia. She was very knowledgable and we had a great tour.

We went to the main square and saw a state government building with some amazing murals. Then we went to see the cathedral. My biggest impression was the beggars at the door. Because when we went inside they had a coin operated machine to light up an electric candle. I think that money would be better used for the poor, but of course it will be used for the good of God.

Click to enlarge the gallery photos.

As I’m writing I’m thinking I may have to break it into several blogs as we saw and experienced so much that I can’t imagine doing it in a five hundred words. I try to keep it at five hundred as I don’t want anyone falling asleep in the middle.

We were told by Mike about an LED store just up the street from the hotel so we went to investigate. I was blown away by the prices. We could buy a four foot LED strip light for 33 pesos about $2.23. I didn’t believe the prices until we spoke to Dan and he confirmed that indeed that was the price. We will remember this for future visits.

Click to enlarge the gallery photos.

That evening we went to a restaurant recommended by Dan. It was somewhat expensive so a few of our company got up and left. We decided to tough it out. Rosalie and I shared a meal and the bill still came to seventy bucks. We had shared a bottle of wine with another lady and that alone cost $40. Expensive, but another experience we wouldn’t have had.

The bus we went in was a full-size luxury bus and there were only nineteen of us. This is important as we will see in the next blog. The driver was Jesus and he was great. He had quite a few challenges as the downtown area was under construction for the new metro line under the city.

Guadalajara is the second largest city in Mexico.



Rubii, our cleaning lady and her family are adding a second story to their house. They live just across the street from us so we get to see all the fun.

As I’ve said before, Mexicans are hard workers. They start early in the morning, as soon as the sun comes up. The music they play is great and we often get one fool singing along. They are also laughing and chatting all day long.

On this particular morning they were pouring the concrete for the new floor. Valerie and I just had to go and see what they were up to.

The lady in the blue shirt in front is Rubii. It looks to me as though she’s supervising. Notice the way they work the cement mixer. First some water then they throw in the rest of the ingredients. They only wait a few seconds before emptying it into the five gallon pails. It doesn’t  seem enough time to me but it obviously works.

The whole thing was finished in a couple of hours. It wore me out just watching so I went and had a beer and a lay down in the hammock to cool off.

Revolution Day

We were lazing around minding our own business when we were disturbed by the sound of whistles and marching feet. Uh-oh! Here comes the Mexican army.

Peaking outside we saw a herd of school kids practising for the parade on Revolution Day. It was funny to see the teachers yelling at the kids but the kids didn’t seem in the least bit perturbed.

When the great day arrived, 20th Nov, we were lucky enough that it went right by our house. I took lots of video so am trying to find the best way to present some of them. Ooh! It looks as though I might have succeeded.

Rosalie decided that we had to follow the parade up to the main square in Melaque. We went around to the square in Villa Obregon where we were told that the parade would again pass by on it’s way to Melaque.

After waiting half an hour nothing showed up. I suggested that we walk up to the main square where several parades converge. Part way up there it was decided that I was to go back and get the rental car so that we didn’t’t have to walk home.

I trudged back home and hopped into the car and headed for Centro. I got to the end of the main road but it was blocked by a parade. The only other way I could get to town was by going the wrong way on a one way street. Then I noticed a taxi going up a small side street so I decided to follow.

It was the roughest road in town but led in the general direction that I was going. During the ride, Rosalie called me to tell me where to find them if and when I got there.

At the end of the street I had to turn right as it was another one way street. It too was blocked! Now what? Okay, I had to think like a Mexican so I turned the wrong way up the street until I found a parking space. I then had to do a three (?) point turn in a narrow cobbled street.

I finally parked and got out of the car. Sitting in a pick up truck opposite where I had parked was a Mexican who was as stuck as bad as I was. We both decided that the whole thing was loco and I left him laughing.

I finally found the ladies and we watched the end of the parade. There were all sorts of activities going on, so we found a restaurant on the street and enjoyed them in comfort.

Fortunately the car was where I had left it and the streets were a lot clearer so we got home fine.

We had to take the car back. So early the next morning Rosalie and I took it to Barra and caught the bus home. I was kept busy during the week that we had it and I lost a lot of hammock time but over all we had fun. I think I miss having a car and we plan to buy one next year when we come back.

A car and stuff

It’s been hotter than usual down here. Valerie isn’t used to the heat so we decided to rent a car for a week to do some sight seeing and exploring.

It’s cooled off a bit now as it’s been raining quite a bit. We had to get out our rain gear as it was pretty hard at times.

 We picked the car up in Barra. It was an upgrade on the one we had last year so I was happy about that as now I could actually pass other vehicles.

The day we got it we went to WalMart in Manzanillo to stock up on stuff we can’t usually get in Melaque. It was a nice drive down, uneventful and we had a good day. That afternoon we went to the beach and the ladies had a swim.

Boca de Iguana and La Manzanilla were next on the list. Boca is a beautiful beach town with a hotel where I sat with a beer while the ladies went for a walk.

The beach at Boca De Iguana

Next we went to Isle Navidad. There is a hotel in a huge private estate that we drove through and ended up in the little town of Colomilla. The speed bumps were the worst I have ever seen. They consisted of about three inch square concrete laid side by side and about five deep. I think I may have to go back to the dentist to get some fillings replaced. The car is a five speed standard so I was constantly changing gears.

I’m finally over the fact that you have to be in the extreme right lane to turn left. I don’t know where we will go next but it’s sure to be an adventure. If we don’t go anywhere it’s still a better way to get around town.

There is a bit of a money crises here… again. The BanaMex  is changing out their ATM’s so they aren’t available until 12th Dec. We can get money from our bank but it’s ATM is closed today. It’s tough for tourists as they may have to go as far a Chiuatlan to get money.

Rosalie has been on at me for the last couple of days to have my hair cut. Several years ago, when she first started doing it, I had to give her a few glasses of wine to get here courage up. She hasn’t done too badly over the years, but today she must have been at the tequila as she darn near balded me. She still insisted that I pay her though…Yea right!

I look mad but I thought it was funny, besides, I don’t have to look at it.

So, Rosalie finally got her phone back. A few days later she tried to make a call and found that nobody could hear her. The microphone wasn’t working. We took it back to the repair place and he suggested that it was wrecked when the first guy had it. I had to agree as the previous guy was using a pretty big soldering iron for such a small job. Anyway we will get it back soon. In the mean time Rosalie frets. Probably the reason she was drinking tequila before doing my hair.

Rosalie waiting for her phone.

Party time (again)

We were at Froy’s restaurant in Barra, watching Dave Spinks play a few nights ago. Great as always. He mentioned that he had a birthday coming up and invited us along.

We went to Mike and Pat’s first as we didn’t know where Dave and Roz live. I suppose we could have just waited for the music to start and follow the beat of the bass.

They have just finished their home and it’s beautiful. It was a much smaller place when they bought it so they moved things around and made it more to their taste. There is a large out side area with a swimming pool where the party took place.

Dave of course played and sang and a couple of his friends from the music community joined him for a few songs. We knew a few of the people there including one of the musicians, Sanchez (from Ontario.)

I was drinking wine for most of the evening but when Dave brought out the Tequila he forced me to have some. The rest of the evening got a bit blurry after that but Rosalie saw that I got home safely. A great time was had by all.

Me after the party

Phone trouble.

As I mentioned in the previous blog, Rosalie’s phone has been playing up and won’t charge without a lot of technical jiggling. We took it to a repair store but was told to come back the next day when the charge dropped a bit. (???.)

We went back the following morning and the young lady took the phone. She started to fool with it and we told her we would be back in an hour. She said that no it would only take a few minutes. Eventually, the owner of the business showed up.

An hour went by and I was just about to ask how much longer by way of Google translate when the owner Alejandro called us to the counter and said he could fix it but to come back in two days. We decided to teach them a lesson and come back in three days and see how they like that.

From there we went to the immigration office and picked up our Residente Temporal cards. Then had our lunch on the beach,  then headed back for busy afternoon in the hammock.

I went back for Rosalie’s phone and was told to come back in the afternoon. We couldn’t do that as Val was arriving and Gerry took us to pick her up from the airport. I arranged to get it tomorrow. This is my third visit. I’m curious to see how many it will take before we get the phone back.

Well the phone was finally returned but he couldn’t repair it. I think he messed it up somehow, but that’s my opinion.

We were recommended to another place just up the road from us. So I took it there. I told him the problem and he asked why the other guy coundn’t fix it. I told him I didn’t know. He said he could fix it but it needed a new board. Okay! We hear that in Canada and know it’s a throw away too expensive to fix.

I went back the next day but only his partner was there. He as on the phone speaking to someone in English and giving them heck. I finally asked for the phone and he had to call his partner to see if it was fixed. Wow! it was. And it only cost three hundred pesos. less than twenty dollars Canadian.

I brought it home and handed it to Rosalie who had tears her eyes at such an emotional moment. We tried it out and it worked great. Guess where we will go next time for repairs.


Residente Temporal

As we go to Mexico so often we decided to try for a permanenté visa. This would allow us to stay as long as we want instead of just 180 days as a tourist. We would also get further benefits which are not altogether clear just yet.

We had to go to the Mexican consulate in Vancouver for the first part of the process. We wanted to get full Permanenté but could only qualify for Temporary at this time which means that we have to re-apply each year for a total of four years before it turns into Permanenté. Our applications were accepted and we got an Mexican visa stamp in our passports.

When we arrived in Mexico we had thirty days to complete the process. We looked the forms up on-line and at first it looked somewhat daunting. Of course, everything is in Spanish. We could have gotten some help but found out that it is very expensive.

I wasn’t feeling good with my cold so Rosalie went to the local immigration office to make enquiries. She came back armed and ready to go. It took a bit of time to fill out her form but she succeeded and then she did mine.

One of the problems was finding where I was born. Neither England, UK or Great Britain was on the drop down menu. But Rosalie persisted and I was eventually born in “Reino Unido De Gran Bretania e Irlanda del Norte.” I was quite impressed.

We took the form to the immigration office and crossed our fingers.

The young lady we saw spoke passable English and was very helpful. I was concerned about the second set of forms that we had to fill out as they also looked really daunting. We needn’t have worried as the young lady did it all for us.

After much signing and initialing she gave us yet another form to take to the bank to pay our fees. We couldn’t use our bank for some reason so had to go to the BanaMex.

We walked inside and stood there looking stupid (easy for me, I know.) A Mexican lady helped us out and we took a number and waited. We still haven’t figured out the numbering system. Once again the lady came to our assistance and called us to the counter when our turn came.

The young cashier took our forms but when it came to paying wouldn’t accept our local bank’s debit cards. So, Rosalie sat while I went out to the ATM.

After we paid we had to go get copies of the receipt at a photocopy place, then return to immigration and we were done for the day. Now we had to wait for a couple of weeks before we would hand in a new set of special size photos that we got done at a local store. We also had to get our finger prints taken.

Our notification arrived way earlier than expected so off we went to finalize everything. We handed in our photos and and all the paperwork was stamped. Then they took the same stamp pad and took our fingerprints. We were told to come back in a week for our temporal cards.

It was several hours later and we still had ink on our fingers.

We had been to the bank the day before to update our account and they took our prints electronically. Although I did have a few issues with the scars from my surgery.

When we returned on the appointed day, to pick up our temporal cards, they were not ready so had to wait another four or five days. Ah, that’s Mexico.

By Tuesday of the following week, we went back to the immigration office and our cards were finally ready. Time to celebrate. Off to Papa Gallo’s on the beach and have some nachos and a few “pops”.

Us, the proud parents of our new Residente Temporal cards. Notice Rosalie is doing the two for one thing again. She behaved this time though.

As Faye and Mike said, we now have an immediate compulsion to turn the radio up real loud and rush out and sweep the street in front of the house.

4th Nov 19

We decided to get off our rear ends and go out yesterday.

Rosalie has had some problems with her phone not charging correctly so we wanted to go to the repair shop. It being Sunday it was closed.

We wandered around town for a while and picked up a new SD card for my camera as the old one was acting up. It failed to record a horse parade that came by the house which was very annoying as they had a great band with them. It seems to be a day for things to break.

One of our favourite restaurants on the beach was open with two for one margaritas so Rosalie dragged me, protesting, in to get some. It was nice on the beach with a gentle breeze to cool us. The temperature was about 30c.

I’m not a great fan of margaritas so settled for a ‘ron y coca’ instead. unfortunately not two for one. I had more than one anyway, three if I recall. Rosalie got hers as well as a refill to make it a two for one.

While we were in there we got talking to the waiter who recognized us from previous years and had helped us with our Spanish before. He told us how appreciative Mexicans were about us trying to learn their language. Unfortunately a few Quebecers insist on only speaking French. Which is confusing for the Mexican who took the time to learn English and is now expected to learn French as well. As we all know, most Quebecers speak English anyway.

Fortunately these are only isolated incidents.

The conversation was half Spanish and half English. Rosalie is way ahead of me in the language but we have been coming here for fifteen years so I have picked up quite a lot. I mostly listen to try to get my ears trained.

I explained to the young man that at first I was a little afraid to speak Spanish as I didn’t think people would understand me. Once I got over this problem I realized that I was understood but was afraid that I might not understand the answer. He thought this was funny.

While this conversation was going on, Rosalie realized that she had run out of Margaritas so ordered another one. (Two.) Off raced our waiter so that Rosalie could get truly shnokered.

The conversation continued about the cartels. He reinforced what I have always said, that they shoot each other but not civilians, although some innocents do get caught in the cross fire. Many Mexicans are killed each year but you don’t hear of them going into churches, movie houses or schools and indiscriminately killing people.

We love talking to Mexicans as they are so friendly and helpful. If you ask the right questions you learn a lot about them and the local culture.

It was a great day. As we staggered back home Rosalie knocked over a mannequin standing on the sidewalk. This got a round of laughter from the ladies guarding the shop especially after Rosalie explained that she had had four drinks. I, of course, exaggerate a bit. She did knock it over but the sidewalks are somewhat crowded with such things. Anyway she wasn’t staggering that much.

We got home safely and both had a nice afternoon nap before heading out to the ‘Red Lobster’ for ribs.

All round a great unplanned day. So goes our life here, mostly unplanned.