Spring has sprung

it’s difficult to know when Spring has arrived done here. The temperature is about the same as always. Once in a while it does get a bit more humid, but other than that not much different.

In the last few days though we have noticed a few changes. The birds are getting a bit more frisky and the large parota tree outside our front door has a lot more greenery on it.

It also announces itself by dropping seed pods, most of which hit the car with a satisfying clang. They don’t seem to do any damage.  We have nowhere else to put the car so why worry. When they hit the pathway they shatter as though they were made of clay and thereby release their seeds. Omar sweeps them up every day. They hurt when you step on them with bare feet which I just did.

The sun’s getting higher in the sky each day and I have had to move my seat at the table in the morning to accommodate it as it gets pretty hot early on.

There is a squirrel here and it appears to be making its nest in a palm tree over at the neighbour’s place. Patti has been observing it for the past few days and reports on progress. Hopefully, we won’t be still here when the babies arrive. If Alan comes for a visit we’ll let you know.

We got our custom made masks last week but the fit wasn’t quite right so we took them back and paid for them to have the elastic removed and tie-ons installed instead. They work much better now. However, we still have a hard time breathing through them.

Omar, whom I have finally decided doesn’t need a thrashing so much, after all, presented us with a freshly picked mango. He pealed it and cut it up for us. It was delicious. There will be a lot more in the coming weeks. I’m looking forward to the next Breadfruit harvest.

We can’t get cerveza anymore in our local store. So while in town today we decided to stock up. I had a case of ‘Sol’ empties but they didn’t have any ‘Sol’. So we had to haul the empties home and try again with ‘Estrella’ empties tomorrow.

While in town we visited a couple of soup kitchens and paid the money that some of you had so graciously donated.  We were talking to Doctor Woo and he told us that they would feed 550 people today. Thanks, folks!

Indigenous folk

Omar, Rosalie’s pool guy and someone I like to thrash on a regular basis, told us that there was an indigenous migrant worker family who wasn’t getting any aid from the various food charity outlets.

We decided to do something about it with Omar’s help. Rosalie scrounged together a bunch of stuff that we didn’t need and gave it to Omar along with some extra money. The neighbours also chipped in some cash and we sent Omar on a shopping spree. By this time we found out that there were two families in need.

Omar went on his merry way and we went back to doing nothing. Eventually, he arrived back and told us that he had supplied one family but the other had gone missing. Off he went again in search of either that family or someone else who was in need.

He eventually found the original family and came back with a huge grin on his face and thanked us profusely. He seemed as happy as we were that he could help. He produced receipts for everything he’d paid for and even had some change for us which we told him to keep.

We’ll do this every week, but that’s fine, we have way more than they do and it makes us feel good to help. Besides we can’t bear the thought of kids going hungry.

One day he came and told us that we had fed twenty people in the family. We will be upping our contribution next time round.

We have been contributing every week to people here whom we know are helping with food packages and we also give to the local soup kitchen. From what we have seen of the support here, hopefully, no one will go hungry.


People who visit here have been sending money down and every dollar is appreciated. If anyone would like to make a contribution just E transfer to Rosalie at faisans@outlook.com. If you don’t know how to E transfer just send Rosalie an IOU and we will cover it until we get home.

Yesterday, Omar said he was going to give us a coconut to make a coco loco. It involves a lot of vodka so it should be good. He did say it would arrive on Mexican time so we may have to wait a while.

Pinal Villa

Pinal Villa is a tiny village east of Melaque tucked away behind a small mountain. By road, it’s halfway between Melaque and Jaluco and about a mile from the highway.

There are no paved roads here, in fact, the roads are very primitive. As we drive around we find deep troughs in the road that are dug to let out the water from the late summer rains. It plays heck with the car’s suspension so we only drive at about 5 km an hour.

Rosalie and I like to walk around the neighbourhood just before the sun goes down as it’s cooler then. We talk to the Mexicans and are always rewarded with a smile and a joke. We’ve also seen a few purple mango trees which to us are unique and very interesting.

A lot of the homes here are very primitive as this is a community including indigenous workers from the neighbouring states of Michoacan and Chiapas. Once in a while though, we see a really nice house and wonder if it belongs to a Norteño or a rich Mexican.

Part of our walk takes us past the El Tunco residence. Their butcher shop is in Melaque and where we buy our meat. The lady of the house is Chabela and as we walk by she comes out to greet us and have a word.

The kids around here think we’re a novelty and sometimes follow us. One evening they asked us how we were “Como estas” we replied ” Muy Bien” and walked on. Then we heard the little guys say ” Habla ingles?.” “Do you speak English?” We told them that indeed we did. I’m looking forward to meeting these little Mexicans again and having a friendly conversation with them. Most are about 8 or 9 years old.

We haven’t seen any kids here with cell phones. but we do hear them laughing and running around enjoying themselves or hurtling around on their bikes until sundown and then it gets a little quieter.

On the weekends the locals party until late into the night. Over Easter, I had to get up and close all the windows to keep the noise down. However, it’s not as bad as our last location and I’ve only had to do it once.

Another thing we noticed is that as you pass people in their homes they shout out “Adios” which is a little strange for us. It’s not exactly a greeting but somehow is.

There is a store just around the corner. The stock is a bit sparse but they have the essentials. We get our veggies, rice, flour, eggs and beer from there. At first, they were a bit reticent but the more we go there the friendlier they get.

Oh! And Rosalie got her hair done.




As I have nothing better to do I thought I might do a recap of our efforts to leave here.

It was an almost normal season until the middle of March when they were advising everybody to go home. There was a kind of panic, people re-booking their flights getting last-minute bus tickets. The town emptied out pretty quickly. We got pictures of the airport showing huge lineups and crowds.

It was a bit different for us though. We had a car and a lot of stuff to put into storage. So we decided to wait until things calmed down and take our scheduled flight in April. We had discussed the situation with a lot of other Canadians who are in the same boat as we are and they were doing the same.

We were able to move into our new location in Pinal Villa early so we had somewhere to leave our stuff for the Summer. Also, it’s isolated so we knew we would be safe there if we had to stay longer. We just had to wait until 26 April for our flight to leave.

Early in April, we were notified that our flight had been cancelled and we got credit from the airline. We immediately re-booked with WestJet to fly out on the 22 April. Two weeks later that flight was cancelled and we booked again for 6 May.

During this time we contemplated alternative ways home. We weren’t in a panic as we know that we are safe here. We talked about driving but dismissed that idea as we had to go through the states and didn’t know if hotels would be available or not. Also, our car is reliable and great for down here but I wouldn’t want to take it on a 5,000 km trip.

Rosalie checked into various other airlines and we thought we might go via Aero Mexico. We discarded this idea as we would have to book the flight to Comox separately. Aero Mexico has been known to be late leaving so if we missed our connection we may end up in a hotel in quarantine for two weeks. Our flight to Comox would also be forfeited.

We even looked at a flight to Vancouver via Toronto but that would take between 19 and 45 hours. So we discarded that one.

A few days ago we heard that our 6 May flight had been cancelled. It took a few days for confirmation but we were finally able to book for 6 June. Who knows, that one may also be cancelled. All we can do is wait and see.

As I’ve said many times: we are safe here. The Mexicans are taking all the measures to protect people. We are self-isolating and are in good spirits. we would like to get home as soon as possible but if we have to stay longer then we have no problem with that. Also, as I’ve said before: there are no cases in our area so far and the virus doesn’t do well in the heat.

Although we want to get home we have concerns about contracting something on the plane. Also,  we are coming from an area with no cases to an area where there are known cases. We can’t see the difference of being sick down here to being sick there. Contrary to what some people think, they do have a good inexpensive medical system here. If we need it.

My one concern is that Rosalie has to have carotid artery surgery. So that’s the main reason I want to get us home. If she has to have it down here it will cost a lot but we can handle that and the care will be just as good.

We hope to be home soon and look forward to seeing everyone.


Last night we had a great Zoom conversation with Gordie and Janice. It was good to catch up. This evening we have another conference with a few more friends, so looking forward to that.

8 am today

We finally got an email cancelling our flight. But that’s all. No credit! Nothing!

I tried to go on to our WestJet account to cancel the flight ourselves but it doesn’t want to work. We don’t want to be left with another credit so we’re waiting to see when the site opens up.

As a matter of interest, they did autofill a new flight for us. This one would cost us $300 more so we are holding out for now. If we have to pay the extra we will, but not until we get our credit from the cancellation.

10:30 am

As we are staying at least another month we went to see Raquel and paid our rent. (Which we’re going to try to claim back from West Jet. Good luck with that!) She is fine with us staying another month, in fact, she’s going to buy us a ‘mattress’ for our lounge chair. I usually sit in it but once it gets comfortable I may as well forget that idea.

11:30 am

While we were out we visited Gerry and Elaine. They are by themselves so we like to stop by and give them company once in a while. We only visit people who have been self-isolating and also keep two metres of separation.

Yesterday we went and bought some masks from a local lady, Alexa,  who makes them. We bought three each. They have a special filter in the layers so we know they’re good. We do have to make a few modifications though as they are a bit uncomfortable. Mine, for instance, are way too loose. Rosalie suggested that I staple them to my ears. I’ll have to think about that one.

Rosalie says she prefers me this way. I do bump into a lot of things though.

2 pm

As I was writing we heard that flights to Vancouver to Comox have been cancelled. So, even if we get to Vancouver we have no way of getting home as we won’t be allowed on the ferries. We are NOT going to quarantine in a hotel for two weeks. It looks more like it would be best to just sit here and wait it out. I think we are as safe here, in fact probably safer than in Canada.

2:30 pm

An update to the previous paragraph. I have been in touch with WestJet via text. They gave us our credit and also advised that although flights are cut back they are still flying to the island. So we decided to book again for 6th June. If that doesn’t work out we will keep trying until it does, providing they keep giving a credit. I do notice that every time we rebook it costs us extra money.

As you can see, it’s total chaos in the flight industry. Another problem is that both our MasterCards are expired as of next month. Rosalie called and they are couriering new ones to us here. Fortunately, we have a Visa with a small limit which Rosalie is, as I type, trying to extend the limit.

As Peter would say “Oy vey!!”


Although we haven’t got an official notification it looks as though our flight has been canceled. Westjet’s site won’t tell us so we have to rely on rumors. Some people on Facebook have said that they called and had to rebook for June.

We decided to rebook through Aero Mexico. We had our flight picked out and I was in the middle of entering my MC information when Rosalie saw that someone said that Aero Mexico had canceled all flights. Now we’re getting stressed.

There is so much false information flying around here on Facebook that it’s hard to believe anything. We were getting so stressed that we had to take a step back, a huge breath an even bigger drink. We decided that It will be fine if we have to stay here for another month or two. We feel perfectly safe and are not unduly worried. However, we will continue to try to get a flight.

The other problem is that we are already on the hook for two flights so don’t want to book a third until we get official confirmation of cancelation. We tried to book our current flight through Expedia because we have a credit from our first cancelation. But, we can only redeem it by calling them. (?) We tried, we gave up and decided to fight it out later or use it when we come back this fall.

The governors of Jalisco and Michoacan have announced that nobody is allowed out except for essentials. It is also mandatory for everyone to wear a mask outside. There was a rumour that anyone over the age of sixty had to stay home at all costs.

We went out for a walk around the village tonight. I’m still amazed at how friendly everyone is. Always willing to stop and talk and joke with us. The little kids seem to find us interesting and always say Adios to us as we pass. We love it here and if we have to stay longer, then so be it.

As of 8pm, we still haven’t heard from WestJet.


Here we go again!

It looks as though our flight has been canceled again. Not really surprised. I’m sure the airlines are hurting but they are sure ripping of the passengers.

We had two legs of our journey on the last flight: P.V. to Calgary and Calgary to Comox. However, they only canceled the P.V. to Calgary part. I canceled the rest of the trip and had to pay $1oo plus for doing so. I’m sure that’s going to happen again with this cancellation. Rip off!

We have since tried to rebook with another airline. The cheapest we could get to Vancouver was $2,000 each if we wan to go in May. We have so far declined. We will probably have to book again for June sometime but are waiting for confirmation of our 6th May cancelation.

We considered driving but we can’t find any other way than through the USA. We hear that they have a few cases there. We have no idea if the hotels and restaurants or gas stations are open, so decided not to risk it.

As I’m writing this Rosalie is checking flights to get us home. It looks as though we will have to wait until early June with Transat for a lesser price.  Or we can go with Aero Mexico via Mexico city. At least they give cash refunds and not vouchers.

Update soon!

What are we up to?

Not much! We went out again the other day for supplies. The locals are setting up food distribution for the poorer folk who are out of work. It’s good to see and we donate when possible. We are still social distancing. Even when the neighbours come over we sit apart even though we are in the same compound.

I started two different blogs prior to this one but found that I was starting to rant so I backed off to do this one instead. I’ve had too many rants lately and that isn’t what this blog is supposed to be about.

Me trying to stay calm.

About five weeks ago, just after we bought the car, we decided to get a cover for it to see us through the summer. A few days ago I went to take it off the car as we were going out and it started to disintegrate in my hand. It was totally rotting. I didn’t expect it to last more that one summer but this was a bit silly. The next time we go out we’ll get a tarp from the hardware store.

We haven’t had Rubii come by for a while, you know, social distancing. So we had her in today and as usual, she did a great job of cleaning the place. It took her four hours. When she was finished she rode off into the sunset with her family.

After the report, erroneous or not, about tonic water, we went and bought some as well as a bottle of gin. After much drinking, experimenting and giggling on Rosalie’s part, we came up with a rather nice drink. Instead of gin, we use tequila. One part tequila, two parts tonic and half of a large squeezed lime, made a very nice drink. The side benefit is that the quinine in the tonic helps a lot with leg cramps, so we get better sleep now. The gin won’t go to waste.

Omar came by the other day and brought a Jaca (breadfruit or jackfruit) from one of our trees. The pods inside were delicious and it has now become my favourite fruit. This fruit can grow to between 30 and 50 lbs. Some recipes say it can be a substitute for meat. I don’t get that as they taste so fruity.

This one didn’t have a lot of fruit.

The temperatures are a little crazy at times. It’s been as low as 13c in the morning and then 31c in the afternoon. I have to wear my jacket to drink my morning tea in the palapa. Then the sun comes up and at the end of the day, all I’m wearing are shorts. And you think that you have problems with the weather!



Doctor Appointments

We will be home soon and are wondering about our doctor’s appointments and how that’s going to work. I have an annual checkup soon so I wonder how it may be conducted.

They seem to be doing things by virtual exams with facetime. I can see mine going something like this with Rosalie’s help.

Our doctor

The Doctor: Okay Chris drop your pants. Now Rosalie, grab his bits and check for any abnormalities. NO, wait! Stop that, I’m trying to do an exam. WILL YOU GUYS STOP THAT AND PAY ATTENTION. Oh god! that’s gross. Now for the rectal…..No, wait,  I think we’ll skip that for this year.

Rectal exam??

The Doctor again: Okay Chris I need you to gently hold Rosalie’s breasts and check for lumps. OH MY GOD! THEIR AT IT AGAIN! YOU’RE TOO OLD FOR THAT!

Me and Rosalie: Grin!

Me, during Rosalie’s exam!

Doctor: Okay Chris I need you to take your own blood pressure.

I hook myself up to the machine. press the button and wait.

Doctor: Yikes! it’s 180 over 100.

Me: What do you expect you’ve had us feeling each other up for the last ten minutes. Anyway, I need to talk to you about my prescription for Cialis and blood pressure pills.

Rosalie is scheduled for a Carotid artery bypass sometime in the near future but all surgeries like hers have been cancelled. I offered to do the job for her But she declined. Perhaps it was my comment after several days of isolation that I would love to cut her throat for her. Anyway, I do now have some abnormalities in the nether regions. They say the swelling will go down eventually. Lots of ice and a strip of duct take over my mouth should do it.

My hip has been playing up this year so I think the virtual exam may go something like this.

Doctor: Okay Rosalie take Chris’s leg and give it a little turn to the right.

Me: OOwwwww!

Rosalie: Grin.

Doctor: Okay Rosalie, a little less this time as we don’t want to hurt him.


Rosalie, realizing she has the ultimate power over me: BIG grin.

Doctor: Oh, what the f**k I’m going home.

We are more than willing to be quarantined. Life at the trailer is good and we shall make the most of it. Do we still have to hang a sign outside our site saying “unclean, unclean (maybe)” or is that just a suggestion? Just so long as we don’t see any signs saying “Bring out your dead” we should be Okay.

As you can see by the quality of my blogs there is quite a bit of pressure on me and I may have to go and see a head doctor. He’s sure to say that it’s all about the alcohol, but I can assure him that I’ve been taking more than my fair share so I should be fine. Remember the doctor who said drink tonic water?  Well, I’ve been doing my bit for Queen and country by adding much more gin than needed. Somebody has to make sacrifices.


Day 492 in quarantine

Well, it feels like that. Even though it’s voluntary.

These are interesting times. With the coronavirus dominating the news and all the different reports coming out; who do you believe? Some people are only interested in themselves and use it for personal reasons. (need I say who?) Others are more interested in the world as a whole and focus there.

Someone sent me a great rant by a very frustrated doctor. It’s a bit long but worth watching. He says to take doses of zinc and quinine. If we can’t get quinine we should be drinking tonic water as it has a lot of quinine in it. I’ll agree and will take mine with Gin.

The point is, I found myself being skeptical, we are getting so much contradictory information it’s hard to know truth from fiction. I believe this guy though as he was totally non- partisan and obviously very knowledgable. Although he may have been working for Schweppes.

Rosalie has her own toidy footman

I’ve been looking for something to do so yesterday I made a bunch of perogies. If they turn out as good as the last lot I’ll be more than happy. I have to get some way of sizing them. They are all different sizes and the filling gets a bit awkward. I know, I’ll figure something out.

In the meantime off to the hammock.

Apparently, I’ve pissed a few people off with my rant about Trump. Sorry about that folks but I stand by my opinion. The decisions he makes will affect us all. I think he’s a very dangerous person and we need to speak out. Most of our friends who disagree with me have decided to not let our differences get in the way. We avoid the subject and turn to more important things. And anyway, if they drop the friendship because of this then they weren’t friends in the first place.

I also believe that we all need to open our minds and look at other possibilities and other sides of arguments especially when the evidence says we should. People tend to hold onto what’s good for them personally without looking at the bigger picture. And of course, we all tend to get entrenched in our own thinking, you know, once a Tory always a Tory or a Liberal or a Republican or a Democrat and all that nonsense. Never once do we think to change from our own particular dogma. Especially if it would do better for others but not for us.

I firmly believe in the following quote and I think your opinion is as valuable to you, as mine is to me.

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”

Evelyn Beatrice Hall