
We are on whatever day of the official lockdown. There are no cases in our area but we decided to be cautious. But first supplies.

Our neighbours, Garry and Pattie, needed groceries as well as meds so we took Garry to town with the intention of stocking us both households up. Pattie has a bad cold so we are staying clear of her just in case.

We went to ‘Super Hawaii’ where I headed for the essentials and snagged ten litres on white wine. Rosalie wasn’t far behind and grabbed a few bottles for herself. Of course, I drink from tetra packs while she has the more expensive bottled wine. But that’s okay, that what love’s all about. (sigh!)

Garry had phoned an order in, but for some reason, it had been delivered to the wrong place. The order was paid for by the recipient so  Alex at Hawaii wasn’t too concerned. Garry was a bit pissed off but gathered together his missing order and we eventually made it home. But only after adhering to all antivirus protocols; we sprayed ourselves in alcohol from head to foot, gargled with tequila (swallowing, because that’s mandatory) and avoided making eye contact with anyone.

They are putting solar hot water heating in our unit and we were told that the guys would arrive at 11 am. When we got back at 3 pm they still weren’t there. They eventually showed up at about 4 pm. Raquel, the owner of the place was with them and not in the least put out by their tardiness. I thought that they needed a good telling off.

While she was waiting for the guy to give her a list of supplies, Raquel took Rosalie on a tour of the ranch and showed her some more fruit trees. So now, we can add bananas and limes to our list. One of our papayas is getting ripe and we hope to have that soon. The breadfruit is intriguing, as we have no idea when they will be ready or what to do with them. Apparently, they are delicious. Omar, hopefully,  will help us out.

Rosalie’s feeling the strain.

With nothing better to do, I washed the car. It sits under a huge tree that seems to spit on it during the night. It’s a kind of sap but fortunately is water-soluble and washes off easily. I can see this happening on a daily basis just to keep me busy. If I get bored I can always go out and dust the fruit trees. I would skim the leaves off the pool but don’t want to do Omar out of a job, and besides Garry seems to enjoy doing it.

We have done a lot of sitting around and reading our books. You know just like you’re supposed to do when retired. The weather is still hot; 31c during the day but only 17c at night. I sometimes feel that I need to put on my woolies. For those of you who may be concerned, our alcohol supply is holding out but bending just a little. The next time we need supplies we will order in.

I have wine so feeling fine.

We have arranged with Gerry (not Garry) to take us to PV when the time comes as we really don’t want to sit in a possibly infected bus for four hours. I think this whole thing is making us extremely paranoid about catching something. Before all this happened we would have happily licked our tray on the plane to make them clean. Now we won’t even go on a bus.

3 thoughts on “Lockdown”

  1. Hi, Chris,I have a bread fruit story you will appreciate. Best told at the ‘Wood. Hint: Breadfruit in Tobago taste like last year’s potatoes. Don’t know what MX breadfruit tastes like but amusing story after a pint.Keep your fluids up, John.Sent from my Galaxy Tab A

  2. Stay healthy and positive, yesterday I baked 2 batches of cookies – 12 doz. Really ?? bored or what…..

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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