What are we up to?

Not much! We went out again the other day for supplies. The locals are setting up food distribution for the poorer folk who are out of work. It’s good to see and we donate when possible. We are still social distancing. Even when the neighbours come over we sit apart even though we are in the same compound.

I started two different blogs prior to this one but found that I was starting to rant so I backed off to do this one instead. I’ve had too many rants lately and that isn’t what this blog is supposed to be about.

Me trying to stay calm.

About five weeks ago, just after we bought the car, we decided to get a cover for it to see us through the summer. A few days ago I went to take it off the car as we were going out and it started to disintegrate in my hand. It was totally rotting. I didn’t expect it to last more that one summer but this was a bit silly. The next time we go out we’ll get a tarp from the hardware store.

We haven’t had Rubii come by for a while, you know, social distancing. So we had her in today and as usual, she did a great job of cleaning the place. It took her four hours. When she was finished she rode off into the sunset with her family.

After the report, erroneous or not, about tonic water, we went and bought some as well as a bottle of gin. After much drinking, experimenting and giggling on Rosalie’s part, we came up with a rather nice drink. Instead of gin, we use tequila. One part tequila, two parts tonic and half of a large squeezed lime, made a very nice drink. The side benefit is that the quinine in the tonic helps a lot with leg cramps, so we get better sleep now. The gin won’t go to waste.

Omar came by the other day and brought a Jaca (breadfruit or jackfruit) from one of our trees. The pods inside were delicious and it has now become my favourite fruit. This fruit can grow to between 30 and 50 lbs. Some recipes say it can be a substitute for meat. I don’t get that as they taste so fruity.

This one didn’t have a lot of fruit.

The temperatures are a little crazy at times. It’s been as low as 13c in the morning and then 31c in the afternoon. I have to wear my jacket to drink my morning tea in the palapa. Then the sun comes up and at the end of the day, all I’m wearing are shorts. And you think that you have problems with the weather!



One thought on “What are we up to?”

  1. Allo, count down now for you two., did you get face masks to wear for your flight home?? We’re doing ok., still staying 2m apart and being very careful but as you’ve seen on the news, BC is finally flattening the curve and maybe some businesses will start opening mid May so that’s all good, having said that I don’t think things will ever be back to what we called normal again., but hey, a new day is coming. Take care and looking forward to seeing you. Hugs., Michelle

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