
I’m looking for investors and donations to go into the statue industry. 

I think a fortune could be made, with the idiots of the world scrambling to jump on the bandwagon of hauling down statues of our national and historic heroes. I would make and sell custom made statues. Just tell us who you have the biggest grudge against and we will make a statue of him or her, erect it in a prominent place and you can haul it down at your leisure. Because you paid for it you can’t be arrested.

As a suggestion: A group statue of the Toronto Made Leafs. Everybody except me hates them. I will make a statue for $5,000 and you can take all your frustration over your own team being useless, by hauling it down and stomping on it. 

Why are we doing this??? I got particularly pissed off when they hauled away Sir John A. McDonald’s statue because he started the residential school system. The decision was made based on the feeling of the day. It was believed that this was a great way to integrate indigenous people into the white system and would be good for them. It was wrong; very wrong,  but how did he know all the abuse would take place?

In Mexico, they revere their heroes no matter how brutal they were. Most of the streets are named after them: Vicente Guererro, Emilio Zapata, Eddie Van Halen. Maybe even Speedy Gonzales and tons more. If you had intentions to pull down a statue there you wouldn’t get within a foot of it.

We’re too quick to judge these people without looking at all the facts.  We only choose the facts that suite or own agenda and use that to let off a bit of steam by pulling their statue down. I think most of the people who do this are hooligans looking to let off steam and don’t have a clue who they are defacing.

Of course, some statues should be removed. There were a lot of tyrants out there. However, most statues were put up to celebrate our national heroes. Winston Churchill; why would you want to tear him down? He wasn’t the nicest person but he lead Britain through very rough times and ultimately, it was partly thanks to his arrogant attitude that pulled us through.

Sir John A. wasn’t the squeaky clean person that we would like him to be, but if it hadn’t been for him most of Western Canada would now be part of the good old US of A. Check your history.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to think before we act. And stop trying to change history to suit our own agenda. Also, pigeons are getting really fed up.

2 thoughts on “Statues”

  1. I agree 100%

    On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 7:40 PM Aged but not deceased wrote:

    > Paddington98 posted: “I’m looking for investors and donations to go into > the statue industry. I think a fortune could be made, with the idiots of > the world scrambling to jump on the bandwagon of hauling down statues of > our national and historic heroes. I would make and sel” >

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