Here we go again.

The Mad Wellsies strike again.

We have been contemplating for some time what we would do if we couldn’t get back to Mexico in the fall; or, had to come back in an emergency where would we stay? Both of us decided that we needed to find an all year round park to move to. There were several options to look at; but we found that we either didn’t like them or they didn’t like us so we re-evaluated.

We both came to the conclusion that we liked it here at Spidey and didn’t want to move. So what next? This is our home for five months so we needed something a little more comfortable than the trailer we are in. It’s fine for weekends and even a week at a time but if we are going to actually live here for five months we needed something a little more spacious and comfortable.

Driving home from a doctor’s appointment in Nanaimo, I foolishly suggested that we drop into Big Boy’s Toys to take a look at some of their park models. Just to see if we would like them or not. Bad (or good) idea! We fell in love with a 40-foot unit and bought it. Check it out. This one is 2019, ours is 2021.

Problem number one: what to do with our old trailer. BBT would take it but I’m sure we would get next to nothing for it because of all the reno’s I did. It couldn’t be sold online because it has a roof now and the slides don’t go in. So, we have to sell it within the park. We put a notice on the park bulletin board and settled back to wait for several weeks of no interest.

The next day we were gabbing with the neighbours and trying to get them to buy furniture that we didn’t want ( and neither did they) when a couple showed up and wanted to look at the trailer. They loved it and wanted some friends to view it before making a decision. Their friends happened to be the new park manager and his wife. They liked it so much that they said they would buy it if the other couple didn’t.

Long story short; we sold the trailer. The couple who bought it: Ron and Petty, came over that evening and gave us a deposit. They brought a bottle of wine with them and between sips we talked about how and when to get it out of here. We decided to move it this Saturday so we have a heck of a lot of work to do. Ron and Petty are really nice people and are originally from Hong Kong many years ago.

Moving will be a huge challenge. The trailer is very close to the deck so they will have to pull it out, in a very straight line. I have to move the veggie gardens but fortunately, the garlic is just about ready. Lots more in coming posts.

As for coming home early,  we decided that we would be financially able to make other arrangements and besides that, we have our little motor home and if necessary we still have a tent; although that may be a little chilly as well as silly.

3 thoughts on “Here we go again.”

  1. Nice unit !! Good for you guys. Look forward to seeing it in August Gordie and Janice

  2. WOW !!!!! you guys are the best !! We just got home from being away for a few days in Campbell River – a golf mini vacation – just got your phone message – so, when things have settled for you, I’d like to have you over for dinner – let me know when it works for you. This coming week-end our daughter Anne and husband Rob are coming over for yet, another golf game and you know, I’m not getting better at it..weird….Also been thinking about you Rosalie and wondering how you are doing with your heart stuff….have to get together !!

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  3. Wow that looks mighty fine you guys! Looking forward to seeing it. Good for you!

    Sent from my iPhone


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