Annoying things

Lots of little things annoy me and here a few.

Renting an expensive tool for the day only to use it for ten minutes. I tend to run around looking for things to saw, hammer, drill, bash, batter, paint, crimp, dig or whatever just to get my money’s worth. Also, I never take it back until two minutes before it’s due. That’ll show ’em.

Having to buy two of anything when I only need one. I’ve ranted about this before but it still annoys me. I have one each of a car light bulb, a weird type of battery that I will never use, a notebook which I find hard to fill. Two pens are okay as I usually lose one anyway. Two earbuds…Oh no, wait! You get the idea. How come useful things like wine and big-screen TVs only come in ones? Luckily, wives only come in ones too.

I hate bad service. When I pay for something I expect to get the service that goes along with it. When you go to buy something like a motor home, the salesperson is the nicest guy you’ve ever met. He remembers your name the licence plate and year of your car, your phone number and probably your SIN number as well. Once you’ve bought whatever it is, the next day he has to look you up on the computer to see who you are. Even then you have to send a photo to jog his memory.

Inconsiderate people also get on my nerves. this particularly comes up when driving. No turn signals, texting, running red lights and stop signs. This endangers everyone but they don’t care.

I once had a couple try to cut in line at Expo 86 and when I told them to get to the back of the line they called be an a**hole. I replied “I may be an a**hole but I’m not at the back of the line.” I got a round of applause for that one.

Cooking food in the microwave oven to the exact time and finding it frozen in the middle.

Making the tea and forgetting to boil the water. (That happens too often.)

Losing an object, ordering a new one on-line, only to have the original turn up the day you get delivery. Another reason I have two of everything.

And of course donald trump. My spell check keeps trying to capitalize his name but I don’t think he deserves it.

And of course people who tell us that we’re nuts to be living in Mexico because of Covid. Are you crazy? Down here we are the eleventh in the world per capita. Not as good as Canada perhaps but still not crazy bad. Besides, we like it here so there is that.

Black Friday really pisses me off too. Stores raise their prices and then slash them just so they can see a bunch people fighting each other to buy something they don’t need and probably can’t afford.

It’s not about what an individual needs, it’s about making sure he/she gets it before the other guy does. This is the new version of Hunger Games. There is no point to it, just the idea and the fun of the violence that goes along with it. I think it may pass football as the most popular contact sport in the USA.

I have to stop now as the ice is melting in my Margarita. That’s pissing me off too. Oh boy! I think I’m just one angry little man.

One thought on “Annoying things”

  1. Good to get it off your chest now you’ll feel so much better !!! hugs

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