Hunkering down

For the most part, we’ve stayed around home lately. Though the other day we did buy a couple of loungers. Also Rosalie had a hankering to go out for dinner so we went to Papa Gallo’s in time for the sunset.

At Papa Gallo’s we were greeted by Rafael, one of our favourite waiters. He is always ready to help us with our Spanish, often teaching us a slang expression or just another way of saying things. These little lessons are really helpful. Learning Spanish is fine but it’s the little nuances that can make a huge difference. Since English is spoken with a lot of slang, it is reasonable that so do Mexicans. Be nice to learn that. I grab every opportunity to learn any stuff I can.

The loungers need cushions so a trip to Manzanillo was in order yesterday. Two of the biggest stores had everything but. I guess Amazon is the next step although I have no idea when or even if, we will even receive them.

The day wasn’t a complete waste of time. On the way down Rosalie saw a sign saying wood for sale. We decided to drop in on the way back as we had run out of firewood. I guessed that this might be a lumber store and it turned out I was right for once.

Rosalie asked if they had any wood for the fire and a young guy pointed to a pile of off cuts. He said we could help ourselves and helped us to load up the trunk of the car with palm wood. I had no idea how or if palm wood burns well, but it had to be better than nothing, plus he was happy with our tip. As it turned out it burns just fine.

A few people have pointed out that we are barking mad to have a fire when the temperature is 26 C. Well, it does take care of the mozzies. Last night without a fire I collected more bites than I’ve had in a while.

Apart from that, when the sun goes down it gets really dark with no street lights so it’s nice and cozy sitting on our loungers with pleasant glow from the fire. The loungers are a bit sore on the bum without decent cushions. And, I must point out that we were barking mad anyway so what’s your point…

I started by saying we’ve been hunkering down but after re-reading this it seems that we have been anything but.

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