Car repairs

The car had been sitting for five months so I had no idea whether it would start or not. I took off the cover but noticed that it had been re-tied, haphazardly, but effectively. I think it may have come off in the wind. When I opened the hood there was a bunch of leaves in one corner that I first thought was a nest of some sort. As I took it apart I found that it was just a solid bunch of leaves; again, the wind.

I reconnected the battery and started it up. No problem at all except for the power steering leak. It did need a good wash though as it was really dusty.

We needed some more supplies so we took the car for a run into Melaque. I was a bit concerned about the power steering fluid. I had requested that Don and Peggy get some for our initial supply run and they did just that.

Ah, those Mexican topes

Melaque looks about the same from what we’ve seen of it. A lot more sand around but then again we only really looked downtown. We will explore more when the car gets better. Our real aim was to get a margarita on the beach but with the new lockdowns in place, we will have to wait a few days. So we went home and had a swim.

The following day we again went into town to check in with the immigration office but they are closed until tomorrow. So far everything they told us before we left last year is playing out just fine.

We went into Super Hawaii and immediately bumped into Mike and Pat. It wasn’t a good place to catch up so we’ll check in with them later. After we got the rest of our groceries we went home for lunch.

In the afternoon I used the last of the power steering fluid to get us to the garage for some repairs. As it turned out we met the same guy as last year. He had the same line too. “My brother knows all about this but he’s busy now.” We suggested that he take us home and keep the car until later in the day. We know we probably won’t see it again for a couple more days.

He’s reading my blog!

Although we weren’t told too, apparently most people coming in are quarantining for a while. We aren’t able to completely isolate ourselves but we are staying clear of people and holing up as much as possible. And of course, wearing our masks and washing our hands a lot.

We met up with Omar again and he seemed happy to see us despite the thrashing I pretended to give him last year. My Spanish must be improving as we both understood each other quite a bit without tequila.

One thought on “Car repairs”

  1. And so your every life starts in a warm/sunny country where here we are expecting tons of rain tonight and tomorrow but the sun will shine on the week end. Hugs

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