A good day

Today was a good day in many respects. First, we had to get our Residente Temporal renewed. As the car was still with the car Doctor we had to get a taxi. The first call was to the wrong taxi. Just as I called for Omar to help, the phone rang and it was the correct taxi service. They work in zones and can’t pick up outside of their zone. On the way to town, I heard a scream from an approaching motorcycle. A three-foot cocodrilo literally galloped across the road. I don’t know who was more scared, the cyclist or the cocodrilo.

The immigration office was open (closed previously) and except for a small error on one of our forms, they duly updated our visa for the next three years. Everything went as smoothly as they had explained last season. There were a lot of wild rumours: about not being able to renew it, if it was already expired. One couple had trouble crossing into Mexico from the U.S. We decided to ignore all rumours and on-line advice and do as we were told (for once) by immigration and it worked out great.

Our immigration paperwork.

Part of the process was going to the Banamex bank and parting with a large sum of money. Our last visit was a bit of a hassle, we had trouble with the procedures so we asked Raquel to help us. While we were waiting for her we went for lunch on the beach. There was no one else there, the waiter was masked, so we were fine.

There has been a buzz in the air that we are required to self-isolate, but coming into PV no one informed us of this and anyway what are we supposed to do? It was essential to have our car, to get food and other supplies. Also, we had to check in with immigration within five days so we had little choice. All the correct protocols have been done: masking, distancing etc. so we think we’re fine. Maybe some people think that, because they personally want to isolate it’s a state requirement, I don’t know!

Because of covid procedures, there was a lineup outside the Bank letting only a few people in at a time. Raquel was supposed to meet us at 1:30 but she arrived a half-hour early and called us. Gulping our food, chugging our drinks we scooted.

Just as we were finishing at the bank the phone rang and Juan told us the car was ready. He picked us up outside and talked mostly nonsense incessantly as we drove back to the garage. We paid the bill $1,680 pesos ($104 Cdn) and went home.

Look at me, parking like a true Mexican. I’m so proud.

So, the Temporal got renewed, we got our car back, saw a little cocodrilo and managed to have lunch on the beach. Not a bad day at all. After one more visit to immigration, we’ll get back to isolating in case the isolation cops come for us.

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