A fun walk about

It was a cloudy day so we thought to take advantage of the shade and go for a walk around Pinal Villa. As we stepped out the door, the sun came out. It was hot but we went anyway.

I was going to say that we wore our masks and distanced, which I suppose I just did. But I don’t know why I keep having to say this as it appears to be that we are trying to justify ourselves and to assure other people. Although I think making assumptions is a bad idea, go ahead and assume that we are doing the right thing. End of mini-rant!

The people here are always friendly and smile and wave as we go by in the car. As the weather has been cooler, instead of the air conditioning we just open the windows. This allows us to say “hola” to the neighbours as we go by.

Walking was a bit different. We often stopped and had conversations with people and made new friends. This is mostly due to Rosalie’s language skills.

Like us, most people live outside so it was an opportunity to meet lots of them. Even some of the younger folks smile and wave. Others just seem to be shy. One old guy sitting outside having a smoke told us where we could buy pineapples. Not that we were looking for any.

I like to try to see what they make of us as there are only a few non-Mexicans in this area. It doesn’t seem to matter to them who we are. They tolerate even my bad Spanish and treat us just like one of them. In fact, we have already been invited to one home to visit.

While on our walk we came across a half an acre lot for sale. It was quite beautiful with mango orchards on two sides. There are 4 mango trees, an avocado tree as well as bananas and coconuts. There was a small house on it too so we decided to call the owner and look at it. The house was built recently but built badly so we reckoned that it would be a teardown and rebuild.

They are asking $55,000 US for the lot and house. On a normal day, this would have been a great deal but after extensive research and number crunching, we decided that we didn’t want to tie our money up. It was a great idea and we’re a little sad to give the idea up but on the other hand, we are very happy where we are now.

In all, it was an interesting walk, we almost bought a house and made more new friends.

So, we went home and because it was hot, sat around and did nothing; Just like we do when it’s not so hot.

2 thoughts on “A fun walk about”

  1. Enjoy yourselves. The house would have been a money pit. Building materials have skyrocketed here and probably there to.

    1. Building materials, like most things here, are very inexpensive, as is labour.It would have been a good deal but we don’t need the hassle right now.

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