Coco Beach et al

It’s been a nightmare trying to write this blog. The WiFi is so bad it takes ages to upload the pictures. Anyway, here it is.

One day last week, Mike and Pat contacted us to see if we would like to go for happy hour at Coco Beach. This is just the other side of Barra but also on the other side of the lagoon so it’s a bit of a drive to get there.

We went to their house and they took us in their car. The road in is a bit rough as it was washed out in last summer’s floods and still needs a lot of work. In some parts, it was down to one lane. Fortunately, the road isn’t heavily used so we made good time. This is also the only road into The Grand Bay Hotel.

We saw these beauties at the side of the road onetime we drove in

It’s a beautiful beach, about twenty-eight miles long, stretches all the way to Manzanillo, and is mostly deserted. There are a few hotels and a couple of great restaurants, but other than that, nothing.

Mike and Pat had friends at one of the restaurants, La Serena Gordita, so we stopped there and ordered drinks. After a while, a young guy got out his guitar and started singing. It was a great relaxing afternoon.

A few days later, Brent and Hauna invited us to go to Tenacatita with them. Another great adventure. When we arrived they drove way along the beach and we had snacks in a rough little shelter someone had built a while back. Again, almost deserted beaches.

After the snack, we drove back the way we had come until Brent took a tiny side road and after about fifteen minutes we arrived at a ramshackle little restaurant at the end of the road. The place was called “Restaurante La Mosca” or “The Fly” in English. The food as is usual, in some of these little places was great.

We started on a new selective starvation diet recommended to us by Ronda. Oh, wait, Rosalie says it’s called intermittent fasting. I, beg to differ.

The idea is to fast (or starve) for a period during the day and then eat and drink whatever you like the rest of the time. My times for fasting are from 10 pm until noon the next day. I make it from 10 pm so that I can have that one last glass of wine before bed. So far it’s been mostly easy and we do appear to have lost a bit of weight. Try it, you might like it. It’s the easiest diet I’ve ever tried.

I have been attracting mosquitos quite a bit and have a few bites. Rosalie was reading that the inside of a banana skin helps with the itch so I decided to try it. Rosalie with great glee ate a banana and pounced on me before I could get away and slathered me with banana skin. “There,” she said, ” now you smell like a monkey.” It’s lucky there are none in our area or else they would be hauling me off home to Mum. It worked though, and I had a good night’s sleep itch-free.

One thought on “Coco Beach et al”

  1. Looks like a great day was had by all!

    Will have to try the banana skin trick next time I have mosquito problems.

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