
I don’t go on Facebook very often but when I do make a post I expect a reaction.

I made what I thought of as a witty, scathing attack on those who criticize us for being here in Mexico during the covid crisis, instead of bowing to our government’s overreaction to the spring break issue. I thought at least I would get one negative response. I was sorely disappointed. Nada, nothing, not even a “f**k you” from the idiots who think we should come back to Canada and all its chaos.

Perhaps I didn’t get a reaction because for once I was right….yea, that’ll be the day. A more likely reason is that it wasn’t as impactful as I imagined it was.

Some Facebook people make overly silly comments trying to impose their wills on those of us who won’t be imposed upon. Their opinion is correct in their tiny minds and we who have a different opinion are totally wrong. I notice that those of us who are here, don’t make stupid comments on why, those who stayed in Canada, should be here. We are in this beautiful place where the chance of us getting the covid is less likely because we live outdoors, have fresh air and lots of sunshine.

I’m a bit of an introvert so I don’t use Facebook too much but when I do it’s because Rosalie read some stupid comment and I feel a need to reply to it. Last season here, I had a great running battle with a US cousin who was a trumper. We had a great back and forth and I enjoyed sparing with her. Unfortunately, I have since found out that sadly she passed away, so I’m now looking for a new adversary.

There is a guy who comes to Mexico who decided not to come this year and because of that everybody else should have stayed at home. His name is Tequila Paul. I immediately have a problem with that name as our beloved Tequila Fred was the guy who actually supplied our tequila for 500 pesos for a gallon and only he should have that honorific.

I haven’t encountered this Paul upstart of Facebook yet, but when I do I hope to give him a good verbal thrashing. Or, maybe not, as I’m not that eloquent.

I think Facebook is a great way for us to kick someone in the nuts without us actually doing it. (The thought makes me shudder.) We all have to get our frustration out somehow. With the Covid adding pressure to our already fragile psyches, Facebook may be a way to do it. So, perhaps it’s not the evil app that I first thought it was.