Driving and mosquitos

I’ve said before that I like driving here. I’ve made a few mistakes but always managed to avoid a multi-car pile-up. They can swear at me all they want as I only understand a few Spanish swear words anyway.

Most of the traffic laws here are only a suggestion Like: double yellow lines, stop signs, speed signs, no left turn signs etc. Especially at traffic lights, no traffic laws seem to apply to motor bikes.

We have had a few near misses but nothing serious. I put this video together from a few of our experiences. Could have edited in about an hour’s worth more. I left in some of the audio as we sound funny when we have been out for the evening. You know: tequila.

For the past few nights there has been a mosquito in our bedroom. Rosalie doesn’t mind as it only seems to bother me.

I have a plug-in devise by my night table that is supposed to deter bugs but this one obviously has decided to ignore it. So, I got up in the middle of the night grabbed a can of Raid and gave the room a bit of a squirt. I think it did more damage to me than the mosquito. I went back to bed and about an hour later was awoken once again by it’s buzzing.

Usually I would cover myself with the blanket and hope that Rosalie didn’t let one fly. The problem with this is that it’s too warm to stay covered for long. I’m sure the mosquito knows this because as soon as I stick my head out it’s there again. I thought perhaps I should let it bite me and get it over with but I’d like to think I’m made of sterner stuff so decide to fight back.

The following night I got a mozzie coil and left it close to the bed deciding to light it if necessary. I replenished my plug-in device and gave the room another squirt with Raid just to make sure. When I had finished coughing, I jumped into bed to enjoy a mozzie free night. Nope! I woke up again to that annoying little buzz.

I hopped out of bed and lit the coil. Better to cough my way through the night than to give in to a pesky bug. Sure enough, about an hour later it was back mozzie coil or not. I got back to sleep for a while and woke early to the usual buzz. I got out of bed and made some tea just as Rosalie got up. She said that the mozzie had buzzed her a bit so I’m hoping I may get out of this situation yet.

To think, I gave up a perfectly good annoying rooster for a pesky mozzie. The funny thing is, It hasn’t managed to bite me yet.