Chiminea es muerto

The chiminea has been used a lot this winter. However it was making a mess of the patio roof. So, after conferring with Omar I decided to move it to a better, more open space. After emptying out the old ashes I carried it to it’s new home. It’s quite heavy so I had to make a stop halfway. When it got to the new location, I let it down with a gentle thump, whereupon it fell into several pieces. Oh well! Out to the garbage with it and start looking for a new one.

Later that day, Omar was cleaning up his mess from the banana tree with a few of his friends. He was hot and sticky so I asked if he wanted a cervasa. “Si” said he “quarto.” So we parted with four beers for him and his buds. We mentioned the chiminea and he may want to take it for himself. He has contacts to get it repaired. So, good for him.

If you remember the MASH TV series there was a North Korean plane that flew over every day and I think they called it 9 o’clock Charlie. Well, we have our own version. We call him 8 o’clock Oscar as he comes roaring over us at 8 am. I think he’s spraying the mango fields. Anyway, he’s very loud. Fortunately he only comes about once a week.

21st March was the one year anniversary of us moving into El Rancho. It’s also start of skinny dipping season. It’s Sunday so we know Omar won’t be around. The water is still a bit cool but getting better by the day. This place is so private that we could run around naked all day, but we’re too modest for that. I do have to watch Rosalie though, as after a couple of margaritas she tends to get a little crazy.

A while back we were invaded by a neighbourhood chicken. It’s happened again. I think the local kids like to throw them over the wall to annoy us. It didn’t bother us until 5 am when the stupid thing started to crow. It brought back nightmares of our last location, so I shot out of bed and closed all the windows. That shut him up.

There are lots of tomato stands at the side of the road offering 3 kilos for 25 pesos or $1.52 CDN. If we could smuggle some home we would make a fortune.

One thought on “Chiminea es muerto”

  1. Nice to get your blogs once again., and do try to bring those tomatoes back with you….hugs

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