Herding pollos

It was Wednesday so Rubii was here to clean the place. Usually, at this time we take off for breakfast somewhere. As we stepped out the door a lady across the street asked if she could look for her chicken. They hadn’t seen it for a while and her husband kept asking “Dónde está mi pollo?” We knew we had it somewhere so we let her in and the fun began.

First, we had to find the thing. That didn’t take too long so she started trying to herd it toward the big double doors we use to get the car out. It didn’t want to go so we decided to join in the fun. Several times it was surrounded, even Rubii came out to help. Even so, it constantly managed to slip by us. Only one door was open so Rosalie had the idea to open the other one and that finally did the trick.

The neighbour herded it across the road scolding it all the way. It obviously knew where to go as it went straight home. All this time we all were laughing like a bunch of kids. It was great fun but I didn’t want to be woken by that beast at 5 am again so was happy to see the back of it. Also it was a rooster and didn’t lay eggs; that and the fact that it would be really tough if we BBQed it.

I forgot this in the previous blog.

Rosalie and I went on our merry way still chuckling. First to Barra to pick up our fresh bread. Every time we go there, there is a lady standing at the side of the road selling what looks like deep-fried styrofoam. We had passed her several times and always wound down the window to say “Hi!” I always felt bad for her as nobody seemed to buy any from her. So this day we stopped and bought a bag for five pesos. Later when we tried them I liked them but Rosalie didn’t; so now they’re all mine.

On to Melaque where there is a restaurant that we hadn’t been to in a while so we parked the car and went in. The proprietor didn’t speak any English but was quite the guy. Rosalie asked his name and he said Luis, followed by about fifteen other names. We settled for Luis.

He then asked our names. Rosalie told him hers and he said her name was Rose Lee so she must be either Japanese or Chinese. Eventually he settled on Bruce Lee. So that’s what we call her now.

On the way back from the baño, Rosalie spotted some stuff on a table and asked him what it was. He said”Guamúchiles.” I said “Huh?” He showed us that it was a seed pod and inside are little balls of styrofoam with a seed inside. We tried them and found them delicious. The thing was, you don’t eat the seed but the styrofoam. I found they were a bit dry but very tasty.

The funny thing is that Rafael had been telling us about these things only a few days ago.

Next, margarita time. We found that when we go to the beach we talk to each other a lot more than at home. We make a lot of decisions there, aided of course by the alcohol. Rosalie also stocks up on useless touristy crap from the beach vendors; again aided by alcohol.

6 thoughts on “Herding pollos”

  1. Hello; great to hear from you guys down in margarita-land. Greetings to Bruce Lee. Wish I was there too as chasing chickens is a sport that would help keep me moving in covid times. Hoping to get my shot soon.

    1. I did. I tried selling it for $1.50 to cover expenses but no one bought it.

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