Too Cold

It’s starting to get chilly here. We’re fine as we do have a furnace but going out is a bit daunting especially with all the wind and rain.

I can’t believe it’s only four more days before we go back to Mexico. Where did this year go? On the other hand, with Covid and the fires, I’ll be happy to see it done with.

We’ve had a good summer season here, we love Canada but not the winters, so getting away again is great. Now, reverse that for Mexico. We love it there but don’t like the summer heat so coming back here is also great. What a life!

The problems with the trailer were finally sorted out. The two young guys who did the final work should have been sent the first time and we wouldn’t have had nearly the trouble that we did have. We’ll miss it though as it did give us a few laughs. One time, I turned on one light in the loft, another started to flash and our bedroom furnace came on; great entertainment. Oh! and then we get a recall notice, the propane regulator needs to be replaced.

I’ve finished the picnic table, it looks great. There was a bit of a mystery though. I decided to put the legs on concrete blocks so went to to the lumber yard and bought twelve of them. As I was starting to finish the last few legs I noticed that I was one block short. Rosalie and I looked everywhere for it but to no avail. Luckily I had one on the water feature I was building so borrowed it.

The garden was a mixed bag this year. I had great success with the tomatoes and jalapeños but the rest was disappointing. It was my first year with this soil so I’m not too upset. I’ve added a whole lot of compost so I think it will be better next spring.

The Melaque party was a great success. We had thirty-two people and a great time was had by all. We have also had a lot of people drop by for happy-hour, as well as us dropping by their places.

As of now, it’s work time. We have to winterize and close up for the season. The last day will be the busiest as we can’t do things like empty the tanks or cut off water and propane until the last minute; and of course, all the other minor things that need to be done.

There is also the annual packing challenge. I take things out of the case and Rosalie waits until I’m not looking and puts them back in again. That’s why our carry-ons weigh sixty pounds each.

Next blog from Mexico. Yeah!!

9 thoughts on “Too Cold”

  1. You have the best of both worlds for sure., safe journey to your Southern home and can hardly wait to hear all about your next adventures – hugs, Michelle

  2. Well you will be busy for the next few days..
    I do know what it is like as we always seem to be shutting things down and moving on..
    and I like to take everything along..
    We wish you safe travels and hopefully will be able to see you there..( for a glass of wine)

  3. That’s not a bad life! Best of both worlds. We look forward to hearing about your next adventures

  4. Have great trip down and we look forward to seeing you 31 Dec or thereabouts…it is frustrating to pack up in this weather.
    Hasta Luego

  5. Do hope you have a great trip and good winter in Mexico. We will miss you both and we did enjoy our get togethers, so till next time – enjoy,stay safe and be happy bobandmar .

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