The Jab

We’ve heard a lot from anti-vaxxers and it’s getting me a little ticked off.

Some people for reasons of their own don’t want to get the vaccine, and even though I think they are wrong and putting themselves at risk, I respect their decision.

However, I think there is a difference between non- vaxxers and anti-vaxxers. Non-vaxxers just don’t get the vaccine and mind their own business. Anti-vaxxers try to spread their own ridiculous ideas and try to persuade others to join their crazy conspiracy theories. These are the dangerous ones! They persuade one gullible person so they can say “See, I’m not the only one.” Then that person dies from Covid 19 and they have that on their conscience…or not.

I personally heard one Canadian woman tell someone in Mexico that the AstraZeneca vaccine kills pregnant mothers and their babies. What a lot of nonsense. Oxford University who developed the drug has been teaching and doing research for over a thousand years. Does anyone in their right mind think they are going to release a drug to kill a few thousand people?

There are some people who have compromised immune systems who do react negatively to the drug, but it is far safer than smoking or taking the birth control pill.

His typo, not mine.

Here is a link to some more data. Which will be discarded by anti-vaxxers as fake news. Of course, you can go on the internet and get irrefutable proof to back up any crackpot theory that you choose to have. Conspiracy theorists know this…for a fact.

Vaccines have saved hundreds of thousands of lives over the last few hundred years.

And you can add E. Bola, Small Pox and many more to the list.

If you’re on a sinking ship, remember it’s your right not to wear a lifejacket; you’ll still drown but you used your rights successfully.

While I’m writing this I have been looking for some facts to add to the story. There is so much scientific proof out there that these vaccines are safe that it boggles my mind that people don’t listen to them. It may be pride that once you say no, you can’t change your mind. I may be just old-fashioned stubbornness. And it may be followers of that idiot trump.

Supposedly the vaccine also contains a computer chip so that we can be traced at any time. It’s lucky that it isn’t powered by AA batteries as they would need an awful big needle. As soon as you open your phone, iPad or computer, people can track you. I don’t understand why anyone would want to track me anyway, I’m boring.

Rosalie and I are trying to do our bit. We got vaccinated, we wear masks we distance from people we don’t know. We feel that we are not only protecting ourselves but others as well. If everyone got the vaccine this Covid pandemic would be almost over by now.

As a footnote: we just found out that one of our favourite waiters in Melaque has died from the disease. Rest in peace Justo.

4 thoughts on “The Jab”

  1. Excellent blog on Covid. I like the life jacket comparison. Thank you and sorry to hear about Justo the waiter.

  2. So sorry to hear about your friend’s passing from Covid and we agree with everything you’re saying re: anti vaxers – they do walk amongs us and it’s scary……

  3. 46 years of working with people has affected me with stage four cynicism. This Covid thing has only demonstrated the level of stupidity that can be found amoung people, which is not a surprise. What has surprised me is that my estimate of the number of people has fallen so miserably short.

    I’m sorry about your friend.

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