Oy Vey!

We left our dashcam in Canada with the idea that we would get another one for down here. So, I ordered one from Amazon and got it in a few days. I ran all the wires inside the car for the front camera just to see how it worked. Then my problems began.

First I found that both 12-volt outlets were not working. I checked the fuses as much as I could and found a burnt one. While we were in Cihuatlán I found some more fuses. I installed one and it worked.

Next: read the instructions??? They were printed so small I couldn’t see them. I knew that Google would help me out, not so. I couldn’t find a manual for the thing. Feeling clever, I took photos of each page and blew them up but the quality was so bad I sighed and quit.

But wait, we have an HP printer/scanner: I could scan the small print in and then blow it up to make it readable; Brilliant! Of course, it wasn’t that easy. I first had to find and download the HP drivers. I got the whole package but nothing worked. I think the printer may be hooped as it tends to print randomly; even in the middle of the night.

Anyway, I managed to get the dash-cam up and running so that’s a step forward. The printer can wait for another day.

Besides that, we were surprised to find that Pápa Gallo’s was open for Canadian thanksgiving dinner so we booked a table. We were talking to the owners, Gary and Joyce, and told them that we should be thanked for our patronage as we kept them open last season. Gary responded that if it wasn’t for us he could have closed earlier and saved wages. All in fun, and they also told us Gerry and Elaine were coming that night. We shared a table with them, did some catching up and had a great evening.

We’ve had a lot of thunderstorms since we got here accompanied by lots of rain, so when we go out we are mostly driving through very deep puddles. All part of the fun of living here. We hung our laundry up and had to wait a few days for it to dry.

There is a cleaner who comes each week. Usually it’s Rubi, but apparently she ran off with another guy to Pátzcuaro. So she recommended her Mum, Lupe who arrived at 10 am and at 6 pm we were still trying to get her to leave. She wasn’t slow, just too thorough. We only pay 250 pesos about $15 so Rosalie added another $100 pesos to the payment but she still wouldn’t leave. Rosalie messaged Rubi to let her know that Mum was over doing it. If she wants the job she has to cut it back to no more that three hours. The problem is that we have to stay out of the place for that long, Not a good idea when we need to make dinner.

The other downside was that she managed to find three scorpions in the house. One was right by where I was sitting this morning. I will be a lot more vigilant from now on.

6 thoughts on “Oy Vey!”

  1. Your HP printer may be fine. It goes through diagnostics occasionally on its own. The cartridge if it is new or has not been used for a long time will need several runs of head cleaning to get the ink up to printing. I almost gave up, and it started printing properly.😊

  2. Fun in no sun? Hope your lives are less complicating now and that your weather improves. We have fall here and the colours right now are amazing.

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