What the ….?

Strange happenings! In my last blog, I mentioned that Rosalie had her Happy two hours to get overhauled and repainted while I went home and had a nap.

I was told to pick her up at 4:15 and then we would meet Mike and Faye at the beach. But then it all started to fall apart.

I got to the beauty salon at 4:15 only to be informed by Rosalie that she would be another hour. She had tried to call me but we had forgotten to add more time to our phones. I hustled to the nearest OXXO store and got us reconnected. The first thing I did was call Mike and Faye. No answer! So back to the beauty salon to confer with Rosalie.

We decided that I should drive to the beach and tell Mike and Faye about our dilemma. As I had some time to kill I was hoping for a quick cerveza while waiting. When I got there I couldn’t see them at first but then I thought I saw them right on the beach so I went to investigate. No, not them; it sure didn’t look like Mike. So back to pick up Rosalie. I had another half hour to wait so I sat in the car reading my book on my phone.

The next day I called Mike and Faye to apologize for not meeting them. It was then I found out it was them on the beach and I had miss identified Mike. The only defence I have is that the sun was right in my eyes. We did meet them the next day at the same place so it turned out fine.

After I’d picked up Rosalie we went for dinner at a local Chinese restaurant where we ran into Eddie. Eddie is our local expert on all things to do with the Mexican Government as well as owning some taxis and selling satellite TV boxes. He also runs tourists to and from Puerto Vallarta during the season.

We use his services often. He got our car registered for us and does the re-licensing every year. We are going to get our car insurance through him. He mentioned that he can help us with our ‘Residente Permanente’ next year. This was important information as we were told by immigration that we would need to be back here in September when It’s hot and rainy. Eddie said that all we needed was a few days ahead of our expiry date which is 11th October 2023.

Three of Rosalie’s sisters and one brother-in-law arrived yesterday and we had a great evening with them at our place; lots of food, lots of catching up, and of course lots of booze.

5 thoughts on “What the ….?”

  1. I need to get our car and cargo trailer registered….do you think Eddie can do that? We need to get together for afternoon lunch and bebidas….Jim & Barb

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