Surf fishing

I’ve wanted to try surf fishing for a while so when Art Jr offered to take me I jumped at the chance. He’d mentioned it in previous trips so I bought a rod, reel and a few lures while in Canada. Art was nice enough to bring it down in his truck for me.

The day came with Rosalie and I were up at 6 am (an ungodly hour,) and drove to Art and Linda’s place. We put our stuff in Art’s truck and took off for Restaurante La Mosca near Tenacatita. We weren’t totally sure of the route but managed to wing it arriving safe and sound.

We walked onto the beach and got some exercise as the sand was soft and difficult to walk on. Rosalie quit as it was getting hot and went back to La Mosca for a beer soon to be joined by Linda.

Art and I fished for about an hour with no luck. I did catch a big one but it was a wave and soaked me through to my undies. I didn’t have a change of clothes so toughed it out until they dried. It was hot so I didn’t care too much.

Art, practicing futility. What a sunrise?

It was my first time and I found it completely different from lake casting. For a start, the rod is longer (10 feet) and the reel is faster. The lures are heavy so they can be cast farther. At first, I kept dragging the lure on the bottom until I learned to reel in faster. I got it in the end but it made no difference, we still got skunked. I need to buy a bit more equipment before we go again but there is a great fishing store in Melaque so no problema.

La Mosca (the fly) is a very rustic restaurant on a beautiful spot at the end of the beach. There are no umbrellas anywhere. I mentioned it in a blog last year. We sat for a while and then decided to go to La Manzanilla for lunch.

While looking for a parking spot I saw Ron, (you know, the other Ron and Diane) so I jumped out and said “Hi!” In the meantime, Art continued driving and I had to chase them up the road. I eventually lost them. I called Rosalie and asked if they were on their way back to Melaque. Luckily for me, they were only looking for a parking spot and we eventually met up at Quinta Valentina’s for lunch.

We sat for a while enjoying the ambiance, walked in the surf for a bit and eventually left for home. Another great day in paradise.

One thought on “Surf fishing”

  1. We really enjoyed our little adventure and time with you guys. I had heard so many fly stories about La Mosca I thought we would be swarmed,it was a bit disappointing that
    we didn’t get to experience that! lol

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