The last few days

I’ve been playing a lot of solitaire games lately while waiting to go home, so, for those that didn’t think so, I am, for now, now playing with a full deck.

I checked out our neighbours today. they’re a bit noisy but seem to stay to themselves.

We had to go into town yesterday to get a larger pot for our pet bougainvillea which turned out to be a begonia. We were told that as it was a bougainvillea it needed lots of sun and not too much water. However, a begonia needs little sun and frequent watering. No wonder it was starting to look a bit bedraggled. Anyway, it’s going to stay with Dan and Linda at Pinal Villa so that the lady who looks after their place Martine, can water it for us. There’s some colour needed in our new yard, so this seems a good place to start.

In town, while getting out of our car we witnessed a minor accident. Car drivers here don’t seem to have any respect for motorbikes, scooters or bicycles. So this motorbike with what we suppose was a mother with her adult daughter driving, came to the cross street just as a car appeared. She hit the brake and slid on the sand on the road and the bike fell over sideways. Mum ended up on top of the daughter and couldn’t get up so I and a Mexican guy helped her to her feet. Neither seemed any the worse for wear, just a bit shaken up, but the bike lost a side mirror. The sand here on a paved street is almost like driving on ice.

The patio was looking a bit mucky so I grabbed a mop to clean it a bit. Just as I was going into the casa I saw a huge spider. That thing must have been two feet across. (Well, three inches anyway.) He saw me and the fight was on. I tried to nail him with the mop but he (or she) ran straight up the wall doing about 50 km an hour. I finally hit it with the mop at which point he disappeared. I’m pretty sure he was tangled in the head of the mop so I literally mopped the floor with him. I’m not going near that mop or the laundry room ever again though.

The packing is almost done and all our stuff is off the floor; hopefully high enough to stay out of any floodwaters. We aren’t convinced that this place will flood. There doesn’t seem to be any signs of previous water damage and it’s on, what looks like to me, slightly higher ground.

Tomorrow is a travel day to PV. First, a taxi to El Patio for breakfast and then a walk to the bus terminal. Four hours later we arrive at our hotel.

We’re gonna miss this place!

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