Attention seeker

This and the next blog are out of order. You’ll see why.

We were on the bus to PV and Rosalie need the baño. I was minding my own business when I head someone call my name “Chris, Chris from BC?” I owned up after realizing I didn’t owe anyone money down here. I was told that Rosalie had taken a fall and banged her head badly. She hadn’t even been drinking!

When I saw her I knew she needed a hospital as she was bleeding profusely. The nice couple from Ireland who notified me in the first place were getting wads of paper towels from the bathroom to staunch the flow.

A Mexican guy went to the front of the bus and notified the driver who said he would drop us off at the hospital which was five minutes away. He dropped us almost right outside.

When we got there, they took one look and directed us to Emergency. Rosalie was taken to a room while I did some paper work ready for billing as we don’t carry insurance down here. They also took our cases to look after for us.

First a doctor came and examined her and told us she needed sutures as well as an X-ray and a CT scan. She was hooked up for vital signs and her blood pressure was pretty high, for her. After a while they took her for her scans and I had to sit in the lobby to make some phone calls. When they said I could go back in the surgeon explained what he was going to do. Before they did anything else an administrator came in and gave us our first estimate. About $1,200 USD. not too bad I thought. So a paid $1,000 deposit with my Master Card and went back to the room.

After a while the surgeon came back in and started to do his thing. After cleaning the area up he gave Rosalie a local anesthetic which was probably the most painful part of all. Then, he put in nine stitches and ended up by cleaning up the whole area of all the blood that she had lost.

Next, he went to get the radiological report and showed us that there were no breaks or internal bleeding and everything looked normal. He did recommend that she stay in overnight for observation as sometimes bleeding can occur later. So we agreed. Before they took her to her room for the night the administrator came by again with the second estimate. Another $1,700 USD.

They brought her a nice meal which we shared as we hadn’t eaten anything since the morning and it was now about 6 pm. Then they tried to put in an IV for her meds but had a heck of a job finding a vein that would cooperate. She had several holes punched into her before they finally found one.

I was able to stay with her for the night so I called the hotel to make sure we still had resuvations for the following night. After she was taken to her room I went down to the reception and got our cases.

The doctor will be here at about 10am tomorrow so we should be at the hotel for lunch.

Phew! What a stressful day and we all know she’s only doing it to get attention and a blog written all about her. I’m sure happy she’s okay though.

7 thoughts on “Attention seeker”

  1. Too bad that had to happen, I feel so bad for her. Luckily, she didn’t get a brain bleed! Have a safe trip!!

  2. Oh my goodness poor Rosalie, what a scarey situation for you both. I hope she has a good test tonight. Hugs💕

  3. OMG Chris, how stressful. That sounds like she really gave herself a serious bang and judging from the cost of the repairs. 9 stitches, thats big. Yikes. Its a good thing you were so close to the hospital. Not the way you planned to spend your last few days in Mx. I sure hope she’s feeling ok now .

  4. Wow Rosalie you certainly no how to make a statment. I sure hope that you get better soon and are okay. See you soon. Faye & Mike

  5. WOW ! not a good thing to happen that’s for sure., take care you two., hugs ♥

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