
While the girls went shopping, Gordie took me to Kitimat to see the LNG plant. It’s huge! It’s the largest private project ever done in Canada. There are accommodations for ten thousand workers in three camps. They have a fleet of about eighty buses for moving everyone around. The pipe bringing the gas from Fort St John is 48” in diameter and when completed will take between 600 and 800 PSI. Now with the War in Ukraine, there are rumours that the site will get even bigger. 

There has been a lot of sitting around talking and of course too much drinking with Gordie and Giselle and various friends who dropped in.. We also had a great night out at a local Greek restaurant owned by a guy from India. 

The rest of the trip went by in a blur. We stayed with Gordie and Giselle for four days and then went to Vanderhoof, the home of Rosalie’s sister Delorie. It took us five hours to get there. The drive was great, only a few slow drivers so I didn’t have to jump up and down too much. Two more of Rosalie’s sisters, Suzanne and Marina, drove up from Prince George and we had a great visit with them. Being alone with four women was a lot of fun and we caught up with all the news.

That night we stayed with Rosalie’s aunt Betty in Prince George and again caught up with a lot of family news. I didn’t know most of the people they were talking about so Rosalie told me to go and read my book which I happily did. Next day we had lunch with Rosalie’s Uncle Lorne and his wife Ylanda. It was Lorne’s 80th Birthday.

The next stop was Horsefly to see some old friends, Ron and Eleanor. We stayed overnight and again did a lot of catching up. Another birthday as it was Ron’s 77th. My age but much younger.

At about this time I got an email from Jim saying that the crew framing our roof was making a complete mess of it and to get hold of Brad the contractor. Then I got an email from our neighbour Mary-Ellen saying that my hydroponics sounded as if the pump was running dry. I asked them to top it up and hoped that there were enough nutrients to keep the plants alive until I got home.

Kamloops was next and a visit with our good friend Maureen. The three of us spent a nice evening on the deck watching a thunderstorm go by. The following day we met Rosalie’s cousin Hubert and his wife Gloria, for a special lunch at a Chinese restaurant.

After lunch, we drove the Coquihala to Rosedale to see our daughter Lisa, her husband Peter, their very pregnant daughter Katelyn and her partner Max. It was only a short visit and we will go back after the baby’s born.

At 6 am we left for the ferry and caught the 8:45 for Nanaimo and so to home. In all, the drive covered 2,300 km.

At home, the hydroponics were fine but there was a small leak and the water was getting low. I took care of that and was amazed at how much the plants had grown in ten days.

At the trailer, all was not well. The crew who did our roof total hashed it up. they built a wall along each side of the roof and one side was 3 inches higher than the other. Everything was wrong. As soon as Brad came by he fired the lot of them. Brad and his helper took off the whole thing and started again so now it’s looking a lot better. It gets so hot up there that they have to quit at about 1 o’clock so it will take a while to get completed.

3 thoughts on “Travelling”

  1. I just cant believe you didn’t stop
    In to see us!!! Lol nobody comes to see us not even when we suggest they would get their Christmas prezzies first!!! We have family in Rosedale..are we related? Oh wait they aren’t Wells….oh well😛

  2. You two know how to have fun !! and thanks for the information on the LNG plant – we had no idea how huge it was – hugs

  3. You had a great trip… with visiting friends and relatives …and educational at the LNG.. Good for you two..Thanks for sharing…

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