
Two posts in one day, what’s the matter with me? I usually eke them out to tantalize and titillate. I had spent the day in Nanaimo doing chores so I was a little punchy.

Earlier in the week, I had a rare face-to-face visit with my doctor. (perhaps that was why I was a little punchy.) He said I was as healthy as a horse and smelt faintly of one so now I have to change my aftershave.

I had lots of time so he filled me in on what to expect as I grow older. One of the things that caught my attention was incontinence. He said that women have a problem with peeing while men have the same problem with pooping. Ah great, something else disgusting to look forward to along with deafness, cataract surgery, memory loss and ingrown toenails.

He told me that there were some treatments for men’s incontinence and one of those was botox shots. I thought this needed some thinking about as I wasn’t looking forward to it. Then it hit me that this might be fun after all. After the botox shots, every time I fart it would sound like a duck sneezing. That made me laugh and I asked if I could get it sooner rather than later. He declined saying I didn’t need it. I know I don’t need it but I still want it!

My imagination runs wild!

Old age is so much fun. We can go where we like when we like and do what we like. When I say ‘go’ I wasn’t meaning the incontinence thing. When we were on our road trip we could just take our time and saunter along, as long as we got back for my doctor’s appointment. Ah! life is good.

I mentioned that my granddaughter was about to have a baby, well she delivered our new great-granddaughter ‘Stevie’ on 18th August. Awesome!

The roof on the trailer is coming along slowly. Brad the contractor who is 72 arrives in the morning just after nine and he and his helper Clint, who is 69, start working. At about noon or 1:00, they quit for the day as the roof gets really hot. At this pace, we may or may not see the roof finished before we leave for Mexico. We’re all seniors so who really cares, they are doing a great job and we get to postpone paying him.

There was still a vibration in the front end of the car so I took it into Fountain Tire. They did a high-speed balancing test and found a few problems so I was happy. Once on the highway though the vibration was still there. When I went back for a re-torque one of their guys went with me on a road test and sure enough, he could feel the vibration too. So I have an appointment for another test. It’s getting expensive. So far the vibration has cost well over a thousand dollars and we still have to replace the windshield.

4 thoughts on “Updates”

  1. What can I add to getting older ???? not much ……and you have a beautiful little great granddaughter ♥♥

    1. Thanks Michelle. We’ll get to meet her when we go over to Mission around end of September. Can’t wait. Luckily Katelyn sends me pictures as she takes them, so I’ll be keeping updated as she grows.

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